Wake Me Up When September Ends (Green Day)

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Wake Me Up When September Ends (Green Day)

Featuring: Vocals (Lincoln Loud, Luna Loud), Instruments (Sam, Luna[acoustic guitar] Sully, Mazzy, Tabby)

Location: Loud-Verse Earth-LMP1 (Prime Loud Music Parody World, my HC)

AN: This one is a September-themed song by Green Day, one of the bands that I used to listen to (and still am). With the pandemic still going on, I'd like to say "wake me up when CoVID-19 ends". It's a joke on my part but sometimes it doesn't sound like a joke due to the limited activities we are allowed to do due to the quarantine. I sound pessimistic but it's the truth. I really want us to win this fight against this virus, with the help of our leading medical teams and by the grace of the Heavens itself. All we can do is survive and continue the fight in this life. I hope that one day, this pandemic will come to an end and we can go back to the way thing were before. Without further ado, leave a like, review/request, follow and I hope you enjoy. God Bless, Stay Safe and Peace/Shalom!

-Music Start: Intro Guitar-

[Verse 1: Lincoln]

Summer has come and passed

The innocent can never last

Wake me up when September ends

Like my father's come to pass

Seven years has gone so fast

Wake me up when September ends

[Chorus: Lincoln]

Here comes the rain again falling from the stars

Drenched in my pain again, becoming who we are

As my memory rests

But never forgets what I lost

Wake me up when September ends


[Verse 2: Luna]

Summer has come and passed

The innocent can never last

Wake me up when September ends

Ring out the bells again

Like we did when spring began

Wake me up when September ends

[Chorus: Luna]

Here comes the rain again, falling from the stars

Drenched in my pain again, becoming who we are

As my memory rests

But never forgets what I lost

Wake me up when September ends

-Interlude with Guitar Solo-

[Outro: Lincoln]

Summer has come and passed

The innocent can never last

Wake me up when September ends

Like my father's come to pass

Twenty years has gone so fast

Wake me up when September ends

Wake me up when September ends

Wake me up when September ends...

-Musical Outro to End Fade-

PiroBal: And that's a wrap guys. Lincoln and Luna, I know you both are Green Day fans so it was a right decision to actually put you guys in this one.

Lincoln: No problem, it was great.

Luna: Yeah, bruh! It was enjoyable. I guess we are all going in that phase since... you know... with all that is going on.

PiroBal: I was in this phase when I was either highschool or college. And now that I graduated, I still remember this nostalgia since we got nothing better to do due to this... month and crisis. I guess we are all in that nostalgia phase. We thought that last year was bad but now we crave for those lost years due to the fact that this year is wasted on being quarantined!

Lincoln: We can all agree on that one.

Lynn Sr: Kids, I got snacks! Luna, Lincoln, come bring your friends here too!

PiroBal: That's our queue to leave.


AN: Wow, what a way to start a September-themed song. It really is hard or difficult to move on but that's a required part of life. All we can do is remember those memories while we move out feet forward on the march of life. This song is a good reminder that we can't really reclaim our old lives but we still need to see that we'll get new ones instead. Moving on isn't necessarily forgetting, but learning or being happy that it happened. And with this pandemic still on the rise, we now crave last year/s to come back and say "sorry" for marking them as worse. That's life and that's really how it rolls.

These are current line of suggestions:

Weak by AjR

Anime Songs (English Cover Version)


We Are The Champions by Queen [cruz2018 - Delayed further due to returning lockdown/quarantine]

Once again, Thanks you, leave a like, review/request, follow and I hope you enjoy. God Bless, Stay Safe and Peace/Shalom!

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