Lilly: Go! I'll keep an eye on Clementine. 

Lee: Take care of her. 

Lee  are outside in the rain. He see the St. Johns house. Suddenly, he hear a walker. He see it in the cornfield but it gets stab by a  pitchfork, and the person who takes the pitchfork is... Carley! Carley, Ben Paul and Ben Tennyson show up. 

Lee: Carley! 

Carley: Lee?  

Ben Tennyson : What's going on ? 

Ben Paul : Ouch! 

Carley : Is everybody ok? You guys have been gone way too long. 

Ben Tennyson : And we all hear scream so we come here 

Lee : The St. Johns are cannibals!

Ben Tennyson : Oh man ! 

Ben Paul : I told you we couldn't trust them! 

Carley : Where is everybody ? 

Lee : Larry is dead! They chopped off Mark's legs and tried to feed us with them!  

Carley : Shit! Is everybody else ok? 

Lee: They still got Katjaa and Duck  in the house. And I don't know where the fuck Kenny is

Carley : Alright! We come in to help !

Lee: Look, the main gate is too dangerous, go around the fence and see if there's a back way in. I'll keep looking for Kenny. 

Lee : Do you have a weapon ? 

Carley : I don't leave home without it. Guys, stay close, and Lee be careful. 

Carley, Ben Paul , Ben Tennyson leave. Lee go towards the house and he can hear Katjaa's screams. 

Katjaa  : No! Oh God! Please no! 

Brenda : Just shut up and he'll be fine! 

Andy : Something's up. I'm gonna take the boy and check around. 

Katjaa : No, please don't take my boy! 

Andy : Let go woman! 

Brenda : Settle down. I don't want to hurt ya'll. 

Brenda notices something outside. 

Brenda : Andy? Danny, is that you? What's going on out there? 

Lee : Yeah it me !

Brenda goes back in the house.Lee enter in the house. Brenda holds  Katjaa and has a gun. 

Katjaa: LEE! 

Brenda: Stay back! You just had to go snooping around, din't you?! 

Lee: Let her go, Brenda! 

Brenda aims her gun at Katjaa. 

Brenda : Please don't you take another step! 

Lee : Brenda, come on, you know you don't want to do this! 

Brenda : Just go away and leave us be! 

Lee  walk slowly until Brenda points her gun at him and he  stop. 

Brenda : Stay right there! I mean it! 

Lee : Think about what you are doing! It doesn't have to end this way!  

Brenda: I'll kill her , Lee!

Katjaa: Just let us go! 

Lee notices something. It's Mark and he is a walker now. Lee  move again until Brenda stop him. 

Brenda : Stay back! Don't do anything stupid! 

Lee : Brenda, think about this! 

Katjaa : Please, listen to him! 

Brenda: I'll do it! 

Katjaa : Please..

Lee move again and Brenda stops him. 

Brenda : I don't want to kill you, Lee! 

Lee : Brenda, please don't make this much worse. 

Brenda : Just stop! 

Lee move again and Brenda gets caught by Mark and gets eaten by him. 


Katjaa escape. 

Katjaa : They took Duck! Where's Kenny?! 

Andy : I said don't move asshole! 

Kenny : Don't you fucking hurt him! 

Katjaa: Oh my God! 

Lee and Katjaa run out of the house. 

To Be Continued.

Ben 10 x The Walking Dead TelltaleWhere stories live. Discover now