Meeting Part 1

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Today was the day Hoseok would tell the gang about his past with Jaebeom and Jonathan

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Today was the day Hoseok would tell the gang about his past with Jaebeom and Jonathan. He knew they would be angry but it was the right thing to do. He has set up a meeting with Jay and the rest of the gangs to see why everyone wanted each other dead. He just hopes and prays's no one gets shot during the process of this meeting. Just when Hoseok was about to call everyone Yoongi walked in the door.

"So Hoseok what did you wanna talk about?

" Yoongi don't get mad but I talked to Jay
about 2 weeks ago.

At that moment the veins in the side of Yoongi's neck popped out, signaling that he was furious.
"What the fuck you mean you talked to Jay?!!!!! How the fuck do you even know that piece of shit?!

"Look babe this whole turf war situation is getting messy and I thought it would be good to put a stop to it. I have known him and his brother since before I killed my father. They made me the way I am.

"That motherfucka put a price on my head and you expect me not to blow his brains out when I see him. You must be out yo rabbit ass mind if you think I'm about to talk to him. Why the hell didn't you tell me you knew his psychotic ass?

"Because I knew you would act this way." Rakim and his crew will be here too.

" oh hell Nah. This is some bullshit! Hoseok do you have any idea what you just did?! This is going to end badly! You just invited a bunch of motherfuckas that want each other dead in one room!! Somebody gonna get shot or die by the end of the night. I don't have time for this shit tonight. I'm calling this meeting off!
Yoongi walks over to the phone to tell him not to come. But hoseok grabs the phone.
" Give me the damn phone hoseok! I'm not fucking playing with yo ass!

"No, This meeting is happening in tired of the bullshit the 3 of y'all got going on. "As much as I love to kill, it's been too many bodies dropping these last few weeks. "It draws unnecessary attention that we don't need. "The new chief of police is always in the club looking for something to lock our ass up for. " All 3 of y'all is moving sloppy. We built an empire and I'm not letting y'all fuck it up cause y'all wanna see who has the bigger dick.
So y'all need to sit down and figure out what y'all about to do.

" I'm the king of this shit I do what the fuck I want. I kill who the fuck I want and I run shit so don't be telling me shit I already know. Rakim and I both want this bitch dead so how are we gonna sit and talk this shit out. And the last time I checked Jay wanted both of us dead. He wants my spot and I ain't give his ass nothing. He gonna have to kill me, but he to pussy to do it.

" Jay is dangerous. Neither you nor Rakim knows how twisted he is. He likes to play with his prey before he kills you. The only reason he hasn't tried to kill you is that he doesn't want to. Because if he wanted us dead we would be fighting for our lives right now. You and Jay are both like sharks you won't stop until your prey is good and ready to die before you eat them.

" I'm not scared of his ass they don't call me the devil for nothing.

" I know yoongi but it's a reason why people call him a demon. He has had that name since we were kids. It's like he has no soul. You on the other hand may
be ruthless and may not care for human life but you at least have a soul.

Yoongi looked at hoseok for a minute and was shocked because he looked as if he was scared, nothing ever makes hoseok scared but the thought of jay made him uneasy. At that moment he knew Jay had to die because if he has hoseok terrified at the thought of him then, he needs to take that bitch down and put a bullet in his head. The war has just begun.

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