
11.6K 388 45

''I can't thank you enough for this y/n, you have shown me a lot of kindness and I will never forget it.'' 

''I'm glad to be of service ma'am, it's my job after all. I hope you have a safe drive home miss Lee.'' 

I was saying goodbye to one of my patients miss Lee, she's a 86 year old owl hybrid. She was admitted to Seoul hospital for hybrids after falling from the stairs, she was brought into my care and for 4 months I helped her get back on her feet. Now she was done recovering and was ready to go back home. 

I waved at her one last time before she got in the car and drove off.

You may be wondering what I do? Well I'm a human nurse that take's care of sick and hurt animals in Seoul hospital for hybrids, I'm currently also studying to become a docter. I'm 22 years old, living in Seoul (South Korea) and i've been working at this hospital for 2 years now. In the world humans and hybrids are living together, most hybrids have owners but some live and work for themselves. It is always fun to meet new people and to be able to help them.

After waving miss Lee off, I walk back inside the building and get in the elevator

On the second floor I get off, I walk to my locker to fetch my lunch but am instead greeted by my colleague.

''y/n! There you are, I could not find you........The boss wants to see you.''

She bends down to grab her knees as she needs to regain her breath.

''oh Momo, are you okay?'' I ask

''Yeah *huff* don't worry *huff*, it's my asthma again. I *huff* just need to get my inhaler.''

Momo quickly grabs her inhaler and pushes it about three times.

''Feeling better?'' I ask

''A lot, thx but back to my message. It's best if you come with me, the boss said he had to talk to you about something.''

I nod and together we walk to the office of the boss, Momo knocks on the door and I can hear my boss telling us to come in.

''Good afternoon sir, what was it that you wanted to tell me?'' I bow and look at my boss as I walk further into the room. Momo stays next to the door incase she has to leave.

''Y/n, you are one of my favorite workers. You are kind, hardworking and very patient. A few days ago I got an email from one of the most high secure asylums in South-Korea, they were asking for extra help with taking care of some of the hybrids there. I was thinking about you, there is a dorm there so you can sleep there and all they need is someone to give the hybrids their lunch and medicine.''

I felt shocked, they wanted me in one of the most dangerous asylums in South-Korea. I have heard rumours about how agressive the hybrids are there.

My shock must have been evident, because my boss told me to think about the offer.

''listen y/n, I know there are a lot of bad rumours about that place but I can promise you that you will be absolutly safe there. If there is any problem, just call me and I know that you can really help them out there, they need a kind soul in that place. Just think about it for today and let me know your answer later, alright?'' 

''Yes sir'' I bowed and turned around

Momo was looking at me with an unsure look on her face, she opened the door for me and together we walked out.

Breakout (hybrid ff ot7)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant