32-Doctors On Duty

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Where were you? A suspicious man asked me taking a closer look of myself

I chuckled at him 'stop being my mom i had gone lab' i replied

He is really sometimes my mom or other times he behave like my girlfriend, i didn't have any gf though before, i mean i have one and only girl in my mind, my love which is going to be my wife soon In SHA'A Allaah.

'why lab?' his expression changed into confused face.

I looked at the watch it was 4:00am and i know if i don't share now and he came to know later from someone else he would be so angry with me

'come sit, i want to share with you something' i told him and went to bed

Then i told him everything from start to end.

'why didn't you tell me that two ywars ago you saw them?'
'oh my friend we could have done something'

Right, it's all my fault, i shouldn't have been silent on injustice.

'ok fine now don't make that face, we all are human we make mistakes, it's not so late' Ab'dul sami said.

'may Allaah forgive me' i prayed and whispered

'aameen' he replied

'now the point is what will we do?' Ab'dul sami said thoughtfully

'we can meet the pm of this country or case against them' i replied

'do you have any evidence?'abdul sami asked

'we have witnessed sehra' i replied

'since police are involved we have to be careful' abdul sami said and continued

'and we would need maaz testimony too, will he give?' he looked at me

'i think he will' i said thoughtfully

'okay then we won't be late to do good deeds then and also try talking with the kids it will help us ' Ab'dul sami said
That's the thing about my boy, he is smartly smart!

I smiled proudly'yes sir! ' and he chuckled' ahg don't embarrasse me now'
'let's sleep' he said and i laughed at his behavior

We slept and for one more hour then wakeup for fajr after fajr, i slept again because i had so long and tired day yesterday.

my eyes opened on the noises outside

I wake up lazily, first saying dua of after waking up then when i saw the clock, 11:30am
When was the last i wokeup this late?

Then i freshened and went to downstairs.

Meanwhile abdul sami had told everyone everything and now they were waiting for me to do, let's - action!

Everyone was present while sehra was looking at me already.

They took their places while i keep standing, it was my time to speak
'i think you already know what's going on'

They nodded

'so for today we have three tasks, number 1-we will go to camp first and have talk with kids, sehra you' i looked her 'you will talk with sam and try to know more about it, we don't want to scare him so try to be soft or if he still don't say anything, scare him little and don't forget to record your talk secretly we would need that on police station as a evidence ' i couldn't stop my smile thinking how smart i am

'got it doctor' she replied

'task number 2,after we got more information, we will make two groups first will stay at camp and second will go to police station, if police didn't take our case or if they are still involved with the gang then we will go to court' i stopped finishing my sentence

' any questions?' i asked

'what is plan three? ' zehnish asked

And i smiled 'that is secret my dear sister, you have to wait for it '
And everyone exchanged their looks.

Then we ate our lunch and without wasting our time we went for our first task.


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