Part 7: They Finally Talk!! (well sing)

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Ash and Gina were hiding behind a bush near EJ's window, when they started to hear EJ speak.

"Listen Ricky, I'm so so --" EJ begins to speak while sitting down on his bed looking at Ricky who was still standing in the dorm frame.

"No please, let me speak first. I need to get this off my chest." Ricky said in a nervous tone.

EJ just smiled and nodded. He was feeling the same way, nervous, but he could tell Ricky was more nervous than him, so he let the younger boy speak first.

"I don't know how I'm supposed to feel or what I'm feeling. All I know is that you make me feel different. A good different. What I'm trying to say is, I uh ,uh..." There it was, Ricky was getting tongue tied around the older boy. He breathed and remembered what Gina said. "Maybe you should sing to him, if you don't know what to say"

So Ricky took a deep breath and began to drum his guitar and sing:

"Words don't come easy without a melody"

"I'm always thinkin' in terms of do-re-mi"

"I should be hikin', swimmin', laughin' with you"

"Instead, I'm all out of tune"

Ricky was now staring at the older boy on the bed and who had a big smile on his face. EJ knew the song right away, it was "You're My Favorite Song" from Camp Rock 2. EJ loved the sound of Ricky's voice, he wanted to record the whole thing so he could listen to it non-stop. Ricky continued to sing:

"But what you don't know"

"You lift me off the ground"

"You're inspiration, you helped me find my sound"

"Just like a bassline in halftime"

"You hold down the groove"

"That's why I'm countin' on you"

Ricky started to relax now and focused his whole attention on the blue-eyed boy before continue playing.

"You're always one step out of reach"

"I'm lookin' for some harmony"

"With you, it comes so naturally"

"You helped me find the right key"...

"You're my favorite song"

"You're my favorite song"

Ricky stopped singing, taking a deep breath looking at EJ hoping he would get the message he couldn't put into words.

"So... I didn't know what to say or how to say it. So I decided to sing it. EJ, I -" Ricky began to say, but was cut off by EJ.

"That was amazing Ricky. Now it's my turn" EJ said with a big grin on his face

"Wait what?" Ricky was confused. What did he mean by "my turn"?

"Well you see, I didn't know what to say to you either. Everytime I thought about what I was going to say to you, it felt too scripted and unauthentic. Sometimes words just don't do the trick, so l too planned a song for you. Just sit back and listen, Bowen." EJ said to Ricky while grabbing his own guitar.

Ricky was taken back by EJ's sudden aggressive tone, he kind of liked it. He liked the way EJ took charge and how insync they were without even knowing, he wanted the older boy. He wanted him bad.

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