Part 1: Summer Break

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School just ended and summer has just begun. Everyone is at Ashlynn's house celebrating E.J.'s graduation. Music is blasting, everyone is talking, and everyone is all just so happy to be done with school and for summer to officially begin.

Everyone is hanging around and talking with drinks and food in hand when E.J. approaches the group.

"Hey Guys! Thanks for coming!", E.J. says.

"No problem! We are all having so much fun and are so proud of you!" Gina says smiling at E.J.

E.J. smiles back but it breaks real quick.

After being Gina's first kiss, hanging out, and going on dates, E.J. called it off between them before school ended. Even though they were only together for a few weeks, he really liked her but felt it was for the best for them as she was going into her junior year of high school and he would be in college. Their schedules wouldn't match up and he didn't want her to miss out on her high school experience.

"I am so proud of you Eej!" Ashlynn smiles while giving E.J. a big hug.

"We are all!" Nina says loudly for the group. Nina and him actually became friends after their breakup and she became an outlet for EJ to talk to.

"I'm sorry you missed your prom E.J." Seb says quietly.

Carlos hits Seb in the stomach.

"Ouch!" Seb yells.

"I told you not to bring it up sweetie, it's a very touchy subject with him." Carlos quietly says to Seb.

"It's okay guys. I knew with the musical going on, choosing a school, and ---, E.J. then looks at Gina...

and just how busy I was, it was okay that I missed my prom. It's not a big deal anyways." E.J. says

"Hey, you can always come and crash our prom next year. I'm sure it will be boring anyways." Ricky says while taking a sip of his drink.

E.J. laughs, "Yeah that would be fun. Since at least you guys will be there"

Ricky and E.J. quickly exchange looks at each other, staring into each other's eyes. They both felt something inside them when this happened. Was it fear? Anger? Hatred? Or friendship? Calmness? Happiness? They both looked away super fast before E.J. spoke up again. "So uhmm, what are your guys plans for the summer?"

Big says, "I got Ricky a job at Slices for the summer! So come by and hangout with us and Kourntey all summer!"

"You better order food though, and pay for it! Kourtney interjects real quick. She would love to have her friends there, but they better pay for the food too cause she's got a business to run.

"What no friends and family discount?" Ashlynn smirks. Big Red looks at her and just winks knowing he would give her anything and everything.

"Well, I'm actually leaving in a few days for my summer internship with Gina's brother in L.A." Nina says.

"Oh yeah that should be really fun!" E.J. says.

"I know I cannot wait! It's going to be the best! But I'm going to miss you all though. It's for the whole summer and I don't know when I'll be back" Nina says quietly.

"Don't worry about it. We will facetime and text each other all the time, so we can hear all about LA and all the famous people you will meet" Gina says smiling.

"Yeah, you got this Neenz, it will be great!" Ricky says with a smile.

After their emotional breakup and \reading their opening night cards out loud, they were able to become friends. Best friends actually like how things were before they started dating. It took some time, but they were still able to tell each other everything. This distance will be good for them, so they can enjoy being on their own and actually discover themselves.

"What are you guys doing this summer?" E.J. looks at Carlos and Seb.

"Besides spending every minute together, We are actually doing summer school." Carlos says

"Summer School??" E.J. asks "Aren't you both really smart? Why do you need summer school?

"It's actually summer school to get ahead!" Seb interjects "After the musical, Gina, Ash, Carlos, and I talked and we all agreed to take summer school to get ahead so we can all graduate together next year"

"Even Natalie Bagley is doing it with us too!" Ashlynn says

"We talked with Miss Jenn and Mr. Mazzara and they are both helping us out to get ahead and jump a grade. We wanted it to be a surprise for when school starts, but it would be weird for us to hide it, since we would be gone all day." Gina says

Everyone's jaw drops as they had no idea their friends were doing this for them. They all would be graduating together, well expect for E.J, but they would do it together.

"Speaking of Miss Jenn, I heard she has something up her sleeve for this summer too. I can't wait for what its going to be!" Kourtney says

"I don't care what it is, as long as we all do it together." Ricky says while pulling everyone in for a group hug.

"This is going to be the best summer ever!" Ricky shouts

*everyone then sings "All for One" from HSM2*

HSMTMS RJ CASWEN: SUMMER CAMP SEASON 3Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя