Part 3: So it begins (Ricky POV)

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A few days have gone by and Ricky was starting to get the hang of things. The schedule was usually the same everyday:

Breakfast: 8am-9am

Dance workshops: 9am-12pm

Lunch: 12pm-1pm

Singing Workshops: 1pm-4pm

Acting workshops: 4pm-6pm

Dinner: 6pm-7pm

Group exercises/team bonding: 7pm-9pm

Individual/free time: 9pm-11pm

Lights out by 11pm

One night though, Ricky was beat and wanted to sleep early. He always tried going to bed before Big Red, but was unable to. You would think he would be used to it by night, since he would sleep over at Big Red's place all the time, but he wasn't.

His mind would always wander and he kept thinking about Nini and how she was doing in LA. She sent a message to the group chat before camp started wishing they all have a fun time and that wished she could be there with them, but she was loving her internship in LA. Everyone would text her all the time in the group chat with photos they took or telling her what they did that day. Ricky wished she could be there with them to experience it all cause he knew she would love all of this, but he was happy that she was doing what she loves and making her dreams come true.

After his mind calmed down from missing Nini, it started to wander to another person. The person who gave him a smirk the first day they arrived at camp, the person who gave him a longer hug than anyone else, the person who made him feel sick and happy at the same time, the person he wanted to talk to but also wanted to avoid, E.J. Caswell.

Whenever this would happen, Ricky would suddenly wake up in a sweat like he was experiencing a bad dream or that his anxiety got the best of him. Because of this, he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, so he would just toss and turn all night until it was time for breakfast.

But tonight was different, he was finally able to fall asleep early... or so he thought he could.

He was hanging out with the group at a beach bonfire singing Camp Rock "This is Our Song" as it was the perfect beach bonfire song. But his voice kept giving out and wasn't feeling up to par. So he told the group he was going to head to bed early for the night.

"You want me to walk you back to the room?" Big Red asked Ricky.

"Nah, man. It's okay. Spend time with Ashlynn and our friends. I don't want to keep you waiting." Ricky says with a groggy voice.

"Okay, dude. I'll meet you up there soon." Big Red says with a concern look

"Take your time. No rush. Have fun" Ricky says while walking back to his room alone.

Ricky got into his pajamas, did his night time routine (bathroom, brush his teeth, wash his face) and finally got into bed. He actually fell asleep for once. He didn't hear Big Red enter their room a few hours later, but was suddenly woken up when he had to use the bathroom and began to hear Big Red's sleep machine.

After RIcky went to the bathroom, he tried to go back to sleep but he couldn't. The machine's noise was getting to him and his mind was going to start to wander to someone specifically. So he decided to go for a walk along the beach, hoping the calming waves would clear his mind and help him go to sleep. He wouldn't mind falling asleep in the sand, it was super quiet compared to his room.

He was walking on the beach and then sat down staring at the water, daydreaming about what the rest of summer camp will be like and what school was going to be like and what the new musical would be. He was deep into his daydreaming, laying on the cool sand, when a voice suddenly interrupted him and caused him to open his eyes.

HSMTMS RJ CASWEN: SUMMER CAMP SEASON 3Where stories live. Discover now