• XXV •

679 20 2

• Delaney •

Why didn't he say it back?

We ended up going back to his apartment. Everything hadn't been completely moved, he didn't have much stuff anyway.

"Del, stay the night you have to. That bitch is gon' be lookin' for you." He rambled.

"Rabbit, I don't know if I can." I was trying to think of some sort of excuse.

"Why not?" He asked sternly, I could tell by every word I say just made him angrier.

" 'Cuz I don't want to be a fuckin' burden to you man!" I yelled.


"I don't want you to always have to look out for me! You already have to do that shit with Lily!"

He stayed silent.

"You really.. FUCKIN' think that's all I do?" He asked emphasizing on fucking. I could tell it was sarcasm.

I shrugged and looked down at my feet.

"Delaney, you have an abusive father. You don't think that would make me worry about you all the time, especially when you don't pick up the fuckin' phone or just even call me to let me know your ass is ok? How the fuck would you ever come to that?" He asked sarcastically.

"Can I just go to sleep.." I whispered.

He sighed and shook his head out of anger.

"Cmon." I followed him down the small hallway and into a bedroom. The bed was just a mattress that was laying on the floor.

"I'm trying to get a bed frame–" He whispered.

"It's fine." I cut him off.

He sighed and left me in the bedroom by myself.

I closed the door behind me and collapsed on the bed. It had a few pillows but a soft blanket.

I don't know what he did after he left me alone in here. He may have just left since I heard a door open.

Why didn't he say it back? That question just keeps ping-ponging around in my head. Fuck man it's probably because of my pops. Goddamit...

I adjusted myself in the bed when a door opened again.

I figured it was Jimmy coming back, when he opened the bedroom door I knew it was him. I heard his heavy footsteps trail across the other side of the bed. I heard him toss his shoes somewhere and lay down beside me.

He wasn't under the blanket or anything but I could feel the bed sink next to me.

"Del.." He whispered.

"Hmm?" I hummed back.

"I didn't mean to yell at you.." He mumbled.

I sighed and scooted closer to him.

"It ain't your fault." I replied.

He didn't say anything.



"Are you cool?"

"Mhm. Go to sleep now." He turned to me and kissed my forehead.

I shut my eyes and smiled. I scooted back to my side and went to sleep.


I woke up still in his apartment. He was beside me, sleeping peacefully.

"Lazy fuck." I mumbled.

He laughed.

"Mhm." He replied and opened one eye to look at me.

He smiled, opened his other eyes, and raised up.

He got on top of me and pinned me down.

"You've got a lot of fucking energy." I said and laughed.

"Change of heart pretty lady." He said in an accent.

"And what changed it?" I asked and raised my eyebrows.

"Jerked off last night pretty good." He said and started kissing my neck.

"Jimmy!" I yelled and pushed him off of me.

"Whaaat..?" He dragged.

"Not right now bitch." I said playfully.

He laid back on his elbows and watched me get up from his bed.

"Where you got to go?" He asked. I noticed he had taken his clothes off, he was left in a white tank top. The rest of his clothes were on the ground to his right

"H-U-N-G-R-Y" I spelled it out for him. "Dumbass." I mumbled.

"Excuse me?" He scoffed and got up from the bed. He was still wearing his baggy pants from yesterday.

I started taunting him. I ran out of the room and the phone starts ringing.

"I'll get it." He pushed me out the way and answered the phone.

He smiled at me but that quickly faded. He stared at the floor while listening to whoever was on the opposite side of the line.

I leaned against the kitchen island and watched his emotionless face.

"Yeah.." He mumbled into the phone.

"Bring it."

He hung the phone up and stared at me blankly.

"What?" I mumbled.

"Uhh.. y'know that bitch Janeane? she's pregnant–er confirmed it–She just called me and she was crying and shit.." He mumbled.

"Why is that your problem?"

"I'm the one–"

"Oh.." I cut him off.

"She said she wanted to talk to me 'bout this shit. I don't know whether to believe her ass or not."

"If you want to go, that's fine." I mumbled, knowing if he left I'd be alone in this apartment.

"I have to go, Del, I'll be back in a couple of hours." He replied, and with that, he walked right past me into his bedroom. I pursed my lips together and turned around to where he went. I kept my eyes on him as he walked out the front door.



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