Marvel [Gen Fic X Reader]

Start from the beginning

Saving Tony is what you were meant to do all along.

His breathing improves and clarity seems to fill his eyes, but he's not out of the woods yet. You pour yourself more and more, pushing past the burning sensation you feel taking up residence on one side of your body.


"Don't." You can feel sweat starting to bead along your hairline, but still you push.

"YN, I think that's enough."

"Not yet," you mumble. "This is what I was meant for, Cap. You did your job, now let me do mine"

Minutes pass and then Tony coughs, and you fall back on your butt as you feel all your energy suddenly zapped from you. Your entire being is burning and it's a lot harder to breathe than it was just a few seconds ago.

"YN. YN! Hey. It's okay. I've got you."

You're leaned back into the cradle of someone's thighs and you smile weakly as you glance upward over your shoulder. "H-Hey, Steve."

"What did you do?"

"What I.. was meant to do," you say. You turn your head to cough, ignoring Pepper and Tony staring at you in horror as catching your breath seems harder and harder to do. "There was.. a reason.. I never fully healed your wounds." You give yourself a moment to rest, grimacing in pain. "Anything I heal.. I take on myself."

"So stupid, YN. It was supposed to be me!" Tony tells you, clearly aggravated with the turn of events.

"Silly Stark," you tell him. "You might've been chosen.. for the battle, but I was.. chosen to take your place after."

"I don't want you to go."

It takes the last of your energy to slide your head to the side and then glance upward again, reaching up and tapping Steve's cheek. "Don't worry, Rogers. We'll meet again." Your eyelids flutter and you manage to catch sight of everyone standing around and staring as you take your last breaths. "It has.. been an honor, my friends."

One by one, the gathered Avengers and friends start to kneel in honor of your sacrifice.

It's the last thing you see before your vision blacks out and you cease to exist.

It's the last thing you see before your vision blacks out and you cease to exist

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It's white.

Everything is white and people in gray hooded robes walk around without paying you a lick of attention. Some seem like they're having a conversation, but there are no words uttered.

You're not sure what your next step is, but then another hooded figure appears- this one seemingly of importance seeing as everyone else seems to disappear. You glance around nervously, but it's only you two around.


"Y-Yes. Hello."

"Congratulations, YN. We've been watching you work and you did a wonderful job looking over your Charge."

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