Suffix Details

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- a hard-working energetic cat
- most likely striped

- average cat with notable markings on belly

- medicine cat with excellent healing skills

- warrior with exceptional battle skills
- most likely a large, fierce cat

- she-cat who is good at nurturing kits

- incredibly quick cat (both physically and mentally)
- most likely thin and/or lithe

- a quick cat
- good at hunting

- warrior with exceptional fighting ability

- cat that is gentle, patient and not easily perturbed
- may be long-haired

- cat with distinctive dappled markings

- something notable about the cat's ear(s)
- can be used as a name change suffix

- something to do with the eye(s)
- a cat with above average eyesight
- can be used as a name change suffix

- something to do with the face
- a cat that is exceptionally good-looking (has good genes)

- a graceful cat
- warrior who is good at climbing

- warrior who has above average skills in both hunting and fighting

- a resilient cat

- soft, gentle cat
- may be long-haired

- proud, hot-tempered cat
- most likely has above average battle skills

- swift-footed
- can be good at climbing

- nurturing cat who is good at raising kittens

- cat who is good at running
- *correlating suffix

- intensely focused cat
- may come off as cold towards others

- average cat

- sharp-minded, can be aggressive

- cat with a strong sense of belief in themselves OR strong morals

- to do with the jaw
- can be used as a name change suffix

- medicine cat that is exceptional in the art of healing

- agile cat
- particularly good at jumping
- *correlating suffix

- cheerful, patient and light-hearted cat

- cat with an acute sense of smell
- most often very good at tracking

- a cat with a sense of righteousness

- average cat

- soft, patiet and nurturing cat

- clear-thinking and good at making decisions

- a quick-footed cat

- a stealthy cat
- usually a good hunter

- a soft, pretty cat

- an emotional and talkative cat
- make good advisors

- energetic cat
- good at swimming
- may have a dappled pelt or white markings

- a notable gait
- *correlating suffix

- cat with an unpredictable and dynamic nature

- an athletic and agile cat
- good at swimming

- cat with exceptional skill in battle

- cat with distinctive tabby markings

- agile cat with a notable sense of balance
- pertaining to the tail

- cat with particularly sharp claws
- skilled in hunting and battle

- incredibly independent cat
- comes off as prickly

- a particularly charismatic cat

- cat with particularly sharp or large teeth
- skilled in hunting and fighting

- cat with messy or clumped fur

- a very calm and observant cat
- usually good at hunting or healing

- cat with unusually honed hunting skills

- a wise or intuitive cat

- a quick-footed cat
- good hunting abilities

- incredibly agile cat
- excellent climbing skills

- a quiet, thoughtful cat

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