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Mad; especially manifested in wild and aggressive behaviour.


After listening to the story, Jungkook couldn't move an inch. He had no clue what Tae had undergone. He always thought his 'daddy' issues were the biggest. But, it was nothing compared to the elder.

He pulled the crying male into a warm hug who finally accomplished to go through that horror once again.

Dr Jin pinned down all the details that Tae mentioned. Now, all that was left was to reopen the case and get justice for his mother.

Jungkook ran from station to station, hiring professionals to look for the case. But, there was nothing left. More like the case was buried.

After weeks of trailing from place to place. Jungkook finally caught hold of the detective who investigated Tae's case.

Kim Nam Joon, the missing puzzle piece.

The man retired immediately after that one case and was living in some faraway village. Jungkook managed to track down his location and rushed towards his house.

To get answers.

To fit the puzzle pieces together.

To view the big picture.

He abruptly stopped the car in front of a wooden house that was placed in the middle of a huge farm. Jungkook paced towards the door with rage filling in his veins. He knocked on the old wooden door.

But, there was no response.

Jungkook's patience was now shooting over the rooftop.

"Get the fuck out, you coward!", Jungkook growled, banging on the door repeatedly.

He managed to break the door to enter. His eyes searched everywhere and landed on the scrunched up, tanned male who sat there in the balcony back-facing him and sipping on the Soju every now and then.

Jungkook felt flames under his skin. The person who is supposed to be behind bars for shutting a case so carelessly was sitting here enjoying his life.

Jungkook pulled the guy by his collar and pushed him against the wall with all his might. The man groaned in pain.

"Who the fuck are you? And what are you doin-!" Jungkook choked the man with his right elbow, not letting the guy finish his sentence.

The man winced in pain.

"Why the fuck are you even alive? Don't you feel guilty?" Jungkook gritted his teeth as tears brimmed in his eyes when he remembered the pain, Tae had undergone all these years.

"I have no idea what you are talking about!" The man spoke up trying to free himself from the ravenette's grip.

"The restaurant murder case! You shut it down. Didn't you?"

The man stopped fighting back once he heard that name. He felt chills under his spine. He couldn't look into the boy's eyes who stood in front of him.

"A..are you her son?" He asked with shame.

"No! She is my lover's mother," Jungkook declared.

"It wasn't me. Trust me!"

Jungkook scoffed at the man's audacity to lie on his face. He punched the guy in his stomach before pushing him over the floor and hovering over him.

"How dare you lie to me?" Jungkook would burst out any moment now.

"First of all, get off me. And let me explain. Please!", The man almost begged.

"What if I don't?"

"Trust me you would. Because you and I both know that I am the key witness of the case."

"What if you try to run?"

"Hit me with that Soju bottle if I do!" The man tried to convince.

Jungkook thought for a good one minute before letting the man free.

"Speak up!" Jungkook commanded.

Namjoon slowly lifted himself and sat down on the table beside him along with Jungkook who sat opposite to him burning holes in him with his furious gaze.

"I was replaced." Namjoon narrated.

"What does that mean?" Jungkook's curiosity built up.

"Originally, I took the case. But, after a few days, the headquarters decided to change the person in charge. It didn't bother me until I found out the case was closed as a 'suicide' with insufficient evidence. Trust me I was equally furious when I heard that. So, I did barge into the chief's room, tried to talk it out. But, everyone turned a blind eye and forced me to retire from my job. I spent years running through all the private detective agencies to find some clue even if it was illegal-",

"So, did you find anything?" Jungkook asked impatiently.

"There was a suspect!" Namjoon commented.

Jungkook's blood was now boiling, ready to throw fists and even kill that man with his own hands if required.

"Tell me that bastard's name!" Jungkook gritted his teeth.

"The kid's father," Namjoon broke the truth.

Jungkook stopped breathing for a second as he heard that. He couldn't believe what was told to him. Jungkook had done his part of research before reaching out to Namjoon and Tae's dad went missing a long time ago, even before the incident took place. And people also spread rumour's that he killed himself by drowning.

Also, why would a man kill his own wife?

So many questions twirled inside Jungkook's head which were cut off by Namjoon's next statement.

"According to the sources, his dad was mentally ill. But, hid it until he was married to Tae's mother. He started showing the symptoms after Tae was born. The man tried to kill the boy by choking him to death. Hopefully, the neighbours rushed inside to save the kid on time. Tae's mom was terrified of knowing the truth. So, she fled from home with the baby. The man went even crazier and started gambling and taking out loans to search for his wife. When he couldn't pay back the debt, he disappeared into thin air. After years of roaming around, he found them and eventually-" Namjoon couldn't continue further. It was too painful to even speak about.

"Why didn't you catch him?" Jungkook knuckles had now turned white as he fisted his hands tight.

"By the time I put all the pieces together to pinpoint it was him. He had fled the country. But, I was sure of one thing. He isn't a man with money or power or a person to manipulate the entire station and run away to some other country."

"What you are trying to say is-"

"Someone helped him."

"But who?"

"The one who benefited the most from all of this!" Namjoon rested his case.

"The one who benefited the most from all of this!" Namjoon rested his case

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[A/n:- I have zero clues where this is going.]

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