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a select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society.


A month had already passed. Jungkook had now realised that Tae couldn't hear, but that didn't stop them from being friends.

The ravenette liked the boy's presence around him.

When you are from an elite family, they expect you to learn all forms of arts starting from how to use cutlery to learning different etiquettes along with excelling in studies.

Jungkook's elder brother was both smart and handsome, so learning these basics was a piece of cake for him. On the other hand, Jungkook had to put a lot of effort, to learn all those etiquettes spending additional time in his dad's study room.

Being perfect and mastering skills was the 'motto' of his dad. Mercy and kindness were something, he least preferred.

Jungkook feared that his dad would abandon him if he didn't strive up to his expectations. That's when Jungkook got his first anxiety attack. It would worsen when his dad used to 'tame' him.

His stepmom was kind enough to note the signs and immediately admit him to the hospital.


It took a month for Jungkook, to forget all of those struggles. His panic attacks were less frequent now.

But, the interesting part was the doctors didn't rush into the room as soon as he would burst out. They would closely watch the boy from the cameras.

Surprisingly, the boy would calm down as soon as Tae would pull him into a hug, a warm homely hug.

Their relationship was unique, beyond explanation. It would take minutes for the injections to calm Jungkook down, but only seconds to melt into the elder's arms.

About the beds. One was practically invisible. After Tae got the nightmare, Jungkook never left the latter to sleep alone. The nurses didn't mind them sharing the bed, but what worried them, was how close the two had grown. And, someday Jungkook had to go back.

That unfortunately my friend was tomorrow.


The next day~

Tae was pulling Jungkook's cheeks as it was a penalty for losing in 'rock-paper- scissors'.

In which Jungkook had purposely lost, which is quite rare because Jungkook never wishes to lose. But, the ravenette could lose a hundred games, just to watch the elder smile and giggle.

There was a knock on the door. Jungkook immediately turned around to see Milly standing outside the door through the small glass frame.

He immediately pulled Tae and hid under the bed snuggling closer to him.

Milly entered the room and sighed to find it empty. She walked in a bit more to stand in the middle of the room. She smirked as she heard small shuffling sounds from under the bed. She cleared her throat before calling out.

"Milly has something for you. The one who comes out first will get it. And let me tell you who gets it first, will get to go home early!", she announced.

Jungkook was naive and Milly was a bribing master. No matter how many times she tricks, Jungkook always falls for it. The last time she pulled him out was by giving him an Iron Man toy.

Like every day, the innocent ravenette ran out towards her holding Tae in one hand and extending his other hand towards Milly flashing his cute bunny smile.

"Me! Kookie wants it." The ravenette looked at her with big doe-eyes and utmost curiosity.

Tae internally facepalmed himself. The elder didn't understand how the lady was successful, in fooling the coconut- head, every single time.

Milly lifted Jungkook in her arms and walked towards his bed, placing him slowly.

"Tadaa!" She pulled out a pendant with a beautiful blue gemstone.

Jungkook's eyes sparkled as he watched it in 'awe', swaying his legs back and forth. Tae climbed over his bed and watched the two.

"Since Jungkook came out first, so I gift this to you. Congratulations you are going home tomorrow.", She clapped her hands together, smiling widely.

Jungkook face dropped the moment he heard the last words.


All his life, he never once felt, he was at home, when he lived there. But, one month here felt so comfy and homely.

He slowly turned to face Tae who was sitting there like a cat, watching an ant crawl over his hand and giggling when it fell back on the bed. Tae picked it with the utmost care, placing it on his palm and gazing at it with big doe eyes.

Jungkook gulped before speaking, "what about taetae?"

Jungkook gulped before speaking, "what about taetae?"

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A/n: I updating 3 chapters. Stay tuned 💞


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