Chapter 6 A little Reunion Part 2

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"Hey Lindsay! What's with the long face? Didn't have fun at the party?" Briar said with a worried tone.

"No, I enjoyed myself immensely! I'm just... tired..." I replied.

"Here eat this, it helps!" She said and passed me a yellow pill, "It is an awakening pill, that's how I keep myself from sleeping too much, but it doesn't really help much, I am the daughter of sleeping beauty after all." She giggled.

I smiled and swallowed the pill, I felt better almost instantly. Then I heard the familiar strumming of a guitar. Ugh, it's him. He walked towards me and said, "Hey lil sis! How's school?"


"That's great to hear!" He said in his normal 'rocking' voice.

Many of our schoolmates were looking at him angrily, but they didn't bother stopping him.

"Bro, mind keeping it down? If you don't," I whispered into his ear, "I'll hex your guitar."

"Haha you can't, not in public, father will be furious! ... Oh, and speaking of him... we are having a reunion dinner-picnic tomorrow night in the enchanted forest."

"I'll be there... Now do you mind strumming your guitar somewhere else?!"

"Chillax lil sis, I'm already gone!" He said and walked away.

"Wow, must be tough having him in the house." Briar said.

"Believe it, I have been through this for years..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2015 ⏰

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