Chapter 3 Makeovers, Choosing classes and a Surprise

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I opened the door and looked into my dorm room, it was pretty empty and so... plain... Ugh, I can't stand it anymore. I took out my wand from my bag and started re-decorating. After I was done, I looked at my new dorm room. It now had green and orange walls, white pillows with green fluffs all around the edges. a white bedsheet with a blue and orange blanket. I added some wall decor and a mirror. Ah, much better.

I looked into the mirror. Maybe a makeover is good. I skipped towards the Village of Bookend. I looked at the online map app installed in my mirrorpad. It said that the nearest hair salon was Tower Hair Salon. I strolled with a skip towards the direction and opened the doors. A girl with brown short hair and purple highlights in her hair walked over and said, "Welcome to Tower Hair Salon, I am Poppy O' Hair, daughter of Rapunzel, how may I assist you?"

"Maybe a recolor of my hair?" I replied.

"Okay, come this way." she said and guided me to my seat. I sat down and she handed me a file for me to choose the colors. Naturally, I chose orange as my base color and brown and yellow as highlights. She started working.

As she worked, I looked at the reflection of her in the mirror. I noticed something weird so I asked, "Why do you have short hair if you are the daughter of Rapunzel, shouldn't you have super long hair?"

"Oh, I am her younger daughter, my older sister, Holly, got the Rapunzel story. Wait, I have never seen you around before, are you new?"

"Yup, the name's Lindsay Hood, daughter of Robin Hood."

"Sparrow's sister? But you guys are so different!"

"Haha that's true."

"So we are the same! No pre-written destiny"

"I believe so," I said with a smile.

"Almost done, just a few more seconds and...... Done! Hope you like it!"

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and said, "I don't like it." I saw her face droop a little. "I love it!!! It is just so fable-lously done! Thanks Poppy!"

"No problem! I'll see you in school?"

"You betcha! Bye!" I said and quickly skipped back to school. I had to go choose my classes!
I knocked on the door and walked in.
"Hello? Madame Baba Yaga?"

"Yes? Lindsay Hood, daughter of Robin Hood, right?"

"Yes mam."

"Very well, fill this in, you can have up to 6 classes so choose wisely."

I looked at the paper and started filling in the blanks, putting my choices as, Mus-ic, Damsel-in-Distressing, Science and Sorcery, Art, Beast Training and care and Storytelling 101.

I gave it to Baba Yaga, she looked through it and said, "Interesting choices, Ms Hood. You may go."
I opened the dorm room door, a girl with dark purple hair was standing at the other side of the dorm room. She turned around and said, "Hi roomie! Headmaster Grim told me to room with you! I am Sky Monkey, daughter of the Flying Monkey."
"That's awesome! When I came earlier, Grim told me I didn't have one."

"Earlier? How did you furnish your side of the dorm room so quickly?"

Crackers! I shouldn't have said that!

"Uh, I had help?"

"Cool! Wanna join me for lunch tomorrow? I'm eating with my Ozlander friends!"

"Sure!" I smiled and yawned, "I'm gonna sleep now, good night Sky!"

"Good night!"

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