Chapter 5 True Hearts Day Dance

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"Hey Lindsay! How was the first day of school?" Sky asked.

"Haha. It was Hexcellent! Yours?"

"Loved it, you know what I love more? THE DANCE TONIGHT!"

"Haha, what are you wearing?"

"I don't know... I'm still choosing..." And Sky turned to face her closet.

I took out my wand and waved it around me, whispering some words and magically, I was in a pink dress and purple frills and my hair had pink highlights.

I heard a gasp and turned around. Sky saw. She knows.

"Lindsay?... Your..."

I put my finger on my mouth and nodded.

"Please don't tell anyone," I pleaded.

"I will of course! You and your mother will be in danger if I say a word."


"So she didn't...?"

"Yeah, she didn't," I replied immediately and said, "Lets not make the atmosphere so low. We have a party to go to! Come I'll help you out!"

I pointed my wand at her and whispered some words and her dress was magically turned into a party dress.

"Oh my god! I love this! Thanks Lin! Now let's get to that party!"
We giggled and knocked on the metal door and held up our invitation cards.

The door opened and we walked in. The house was rocking. Literally.
Everyone was dancing to Melody Piper's Beats, the spot lights, the True Hearts Decor and food were out of this chapter! The loud music seemed to have magically made me and Sky to dance along to.

"This party is wicked cool!" Sky said, she looked behind me and saw one of her Ozlander friends and waved good bye to me.

I looked around the sea of faces looking for someone I recognized. I saw Kitty pulling small pranks on others, Raven hanging out with another girl and Cerise hanging out with Cupid and another girl. I saw a orange haired girl wearing a green dress at a corner talking to another girl.

Could it be? I ran towards her and shouted ,"Jay!"

The orange haired girl turned around and shouted back, "Oh my fairy godmother. Lindsay!"

She opened up her arms so I can hug her. She hugged me back.

It felt so good to be back with my dear older sister.

"So how was your first day lil' sis?"


"Good. Any new friends?"


"Where are they?"

"Well Sky is my roommate, we were together earlier but she went to join her Ozlander friends, then there's Raven, she's hanging out with someone else and there's Cerise with someone else as well..."

"Oh cool. What are you doing here then? Go join them!"

She pushed me away towards Cerise direction.

"Hey Cerise!" I called out.

"Oh hey Lindsay!" She said, "Um, Cupid, Briar, meet Lindsay, daughter of Robin Hood."

"Oh, I think we've met. I gave her the invite. Duh!" Cupid said.

"Cool, your Sparrow's Sister right? Seen him lately?"

"Not really." I replied.

"Okay," she said and continued eating.

"So how was your first day?" Cerise asked.

"Guess it was good."

"Hexcellent! Is Rumpelstiltskin still you know," Briar said and did circular action with her hands next to her head.

I laughed, "Haha. Yup!"

This is good. I'm actually socializing without the help of magic. I thought back of how it was in Elementary and Middle School, I had to cast a spell on people to make them talk to me. Sigh.
{Authors Note}
Haha finally out eh. So what is the family secret? Did her mother do something magically that almost destroyed the fairytale world? OOPS TOO MUCH INFO WELL STAY TUNE FOR CHAPTER 6.


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