Epilogue III

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"Mm. Impressive."

"She did not disappoint."

"Indeed. She proved to be a rather capable host."

"It seems we would all do well to fear."

"Truly, truly. Then we could be vessels of our fathers."

"Enough. Ariel, tell us what you see."

"Do not rush me, Ersael. This takes time."

The seven heads of the Malakhite Families stood around small table in pitch-black darkness. They were each elegantly dressed in suits and dresses, their hair neat and faces clean. At the table, the Fourth Head—the Rosh Revi'it, Ariel—sat in front of a crystal ball, watching the subject of the Malakhites' interest through it.

"Ah... there you are, my darling niece," Rosh Revi'it finally purred, placing her hands on the ball as Cameron Walden materialized within it. "As bright and beautiful as ever."

"Yes, we all see her, Ariel," the Sixth Head—Rosh Shishi, Jezre'el—said, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes. "Tell us of her future."

"Where do we come in?" the Fifth Head (Rosh Chamisi), Chaniel, inquired.

"Hush, loves. I'm searching." Rosh Revi'it shook her head and "scrolled" through Cameron's life, muttering, "No, no, no... aha!"

"What is it?" the Seventh Head (Rosh Shvi'it), Ersael, snapped. "Tell us!"

"Calm yourself, Ersael," the Third Head (Rosh Shlishi), Duriel, droned, his dark eyes hidden by his sunglasses. "She'll get to it."

"Took the words right out of my mouth," Rosh Revi'it muttered. She looked up, her amber eyes practically glowing in the light of her crystal ball. "The near future," she announced.

"How near?" the Second (and youngest) Head (Rosh Shniya), Mari'el, pressed, leaning forward with her palms planted on the table. "A year? Two? Ten? Be specific, Ariel."

"Watch that tone, young lady." Rosh Revi'it squinted into her crystal ball uncertainly. "I can't tell for sure," she admitted. "More than one year but less than six. That is all I can see."

"How do you even see time?" Rosh Chamisi muttered to Rosh Shlishi, who shrugged in response.

Rosh Revi'it looked up at the one Head who hadn't spoken: the First, the Rosh Rishon. "Well, Zuriel? Shall we act?" she inquired.

There was a long moment of silence.

Then a large, seven-foot-tall man dressed in a vantablack suit stepped out of the shadows, looking like a shadow himself. He had several scars on the left side of his face, and his eyes glowed bright cyan. Diamond rings set with silver-coloured stones studded his fingers, and from his neck hung a chain with a diamond-and-silver-coloured pendant made of intertwining rings covered with eyes.

Rosh Rishon fixed his eyes on his daughter, who had no idea that she was being watched through a crystal ball. "In time, Ariel," he finally responded, his voice deep, rich, and smooth. "For now, I'd suggest we wait. See how things pan out." A crooked grin came to his face. "After all," he added, "we wouldn't want to mistime our family reunion, now, would we?"

The other heads nodded. "Such is the will of the Lord," they murmured.

Rosh Rishon's eyes glowed brighter as his grin grew.

"So shall it be..."

2. H O L Y W A R : TargetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora