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Defender sat on top of a building close to Z.P.A., waiting patiently for his older brother to show up. He shivered in the chill of the night, sniffing as snow fell heavily upon the haven.

A rustling noise drew Defender's attention, and he turned as Guardian emerged from the shadows in dragon form. Right on time, the younger dragon thought with a grin as, at the same moment, D'kala exited Z.P.A. "So whaddya think, big brother?" Defender asked, inclining his head toward D'kala.

Guardian let out a derisive scoff. "I think they're wasting time."

"Well, whaddya want 'em to do?" Defender gestured to D'kala and Kia, with whom D'kala had stopped outside of the academy to confer. "We can't tell 'em about Adina without the chief's go-ahead. They ain't got no choice but to enjoy themselves."

"Then allow me to revise my statement," Guardian growled. "I think he's wasting time." He pointed angrily at Zechariah, who had also just exited the building. "Hiding the truth from them is extremely unwise," Guardian went on, speaking to Defender as well as Zechariah, for he knew the cheetah's hearing would pick up his words. "If they knew, they could help. But in his futile thinking, he believes he can protect them by keeping them in the dark." He let out another scoff as Zechariah frowned. "The hubris he so blatantly projects is unbearable."

"He's doing what he thinks is best, Fitch," Defender said quietly, casting a concerned glance at D'kala and Kia before setting it upon Zechariah. "He's the boss, so he makes the rules. Respect authority, alright?"

"I've been respecting him—and look where that's got us." Guardian huffed, sending steam out of his nostrils. "Maybe it's time we had a new Chief Peacekeeper," he snarled, spreading his wings and taking off.

Defender sighed, giving Zechariah an apologetic look before following Guardian into the sky. "I'll head to Cam's place," the younger told the elder. "Mom n' Kayce've been quiet since the last incident, but y'never know, right?"

Guardian snorted. "Fine. I have no objection. It's your job, after all, isn't it?"

Defender scowled. "Y'know, you could lighten up just a little bit, Fitch," he snapped. "I know what we're dealin' with, and I know how it's makin' you feel, but stop takin' it out on everyone else! Would Abigail have wanted you to—"


Defender jerked backward as Guardian spun around, a fierce glare on his face.

"Don't," Guardian hissed, "bring her into this."

"I'm not the one who brought her into it!" Defender cried in furious protest, going nose-to-nose with his bigger older brother. "You act like since you lost the most, you're the only one who knows how to handle this! But if I'm bein' honest, Fitchie, I've had it up to here with your whining!"

Defender paused and backed away a little bit, narrowing his eyes. "You can't change what happened last time," he said quietly as Guardian looked away. "But if you'd just... just treat us like we're actually trying to help—which we are—maybe you can change what happens this time." He shook his head. "Maybe we didn't save Abby and Moll, Fitch... but we can still save Cameron."

Guardian watched as Defender turned around and flew away, heading toward Cameron's house. But that's the biggest problem I have with all this, Hatchet, he thought, his anger dying and giving way to a heavy sense of guilt and regret. We DIDN'T save Abby and Moll.

Letting out a ragged sigh, Guardian settled on top of a building near the City District's core, watching D'kala chat with Addison a couple blocks away. His eyes widened slightly as D'kala turned in his direction, apparently noticing him. The Felinian took a noticeable step back upon seeing the Draconian, apparently uneasy. Addison said something to D'kala, drawing his attention, and both put their hands in their pockets and turned to leave—but D'kala cast one more glance over his shoulder before doing so.

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