"Mr. Ackerman ! I thought you'd be back on the twentieth !" She exclaims.

Levi turns to her before fully getting out from his hiding spot behind the wall, standing right in front of Varis as he ignores (Y/n). His glare is enough to make Varis tremble on his spot.

"G-good to see you sir ! I was just transferred from the planning division. I'll do my best here sir. My goals may not be so ambitious, but it is like the salt in a soup. In other words, an existence that may not get a lot of attention, but does what needs to be done !"

"I'll look forward to how you prove yourself as the 'salt'. Now get out of my sight. As for you Ms. (L/n), I need to discuss something with you so I need you to come with me."

She nods, "yes sir."

As soon as the two settled behind the closed doors of Levi's private office, (Y/n) smiles while immediately bombarding her boyfriend with questions, "what happened ? Do you have a sudden emergency to take care of ? If you'd called me, I would've met you at the airport-"

"Don't you fucking smile.. that pretty smile of yours !" Levi growled, making the smile on her face drop, "don't show it to other guys, other than me. To see you again as fast as I could, I worked hard through lunch and dinner. I even put up with a 12-hour flight. All for your smile upon seeing me back so soon. Yet there you were, flashing that smile to that salt bastard. I'm really mad at you, Ms. (L/n)."

Upon hearing the reason why Levi's really pissed off, (Y/n) only smiles cheekily. It's funny to see him being jealous over small things like this. Of course, her actions brought him even more annoyance. So he smashes his lips against hers. With both hands cupping her face, Levi intends to satisfy the longing feeling in his heart by making the most of the kiss.

It lasts for about a minute before (Y/n) pushes him off, "what are you doing ? We're at work !"

"If that bothers you, shall we go home and continue this in my bedroom ?"

She slaps his chest, "that's not what I meant-"

Levi silences her with a kiss. He then parted before hugging her close, "I missed you," he mumbled, "let's be together for all the time we were apart." His hands roam on her back and waist.


"Ah.. it's nice to have lunch with you again."

A tiny smile dances on Levi's lips as he stares at (Y/n) who sits across from him. He had dragged her into a quiet, luxurious cafe, away from the company to enjoy some quality time together.

(Y/n) smiles gently while shaking her head, "you've been gone for days, so you have work piled up waiting for you. I don't know if we should really be here."

"I believe it's legal for me to spend some time with my girlfriend, Ms. (L/n). When I saw all those couples in Paris on my business trip, I thought to myself, 'I want to go back as soon as possible and go on a date with (Y/n)'. That's what kept me going. So let me off for just one day."

A soft laugh emerged from her throat, "one day, then. Since I missed you too."

Levi couldn't hold the urge to show his affection. So he grabs (Y/n)'s hand that's resting on the table and plants a chaste kiss on the back of her palm softly like a gentleman would.

Unknown to them...


------------------------------- Time skip -------------------------------

The two made it back to the office in time to catch up to their work. (Y/n) part ways with her boss as she makes her way to the receptionist desk, where Historia is waiting for her.

"Oh my goodness.. Did anything happen ??!"

(Y/n) turned to the blonde, "Hm What is it ?"

"I wonder.. Should I tell you or not ?" Historia glanced at the loyal secretary, who seems eager to know about what Historia is hiding.

Chuckling, (Y/n) leans closer towards Historia, "come on, spill the beans !"

Historia makes drumroll movements with her fingers before squealing loudly, "Guess what ? Mr. Ackerman got a girlfriend !"

"W-what ?!!"

"He was just out seeing his girlfriend ! I mean, look at this, see ?" Historia fishes out her phone from her purse and shows (Y/n) a picture of Levi kissing a woman's hand. The photo didn't capture the woman's face.

Baffled, (Y/n) stares at the screen with wide eyes, "who took the picture ?"

"My friend from university. He's an intern here so he knows Mr. Ackerman. And he said he saw the vice president being lovey dovey, non-stop !" Historia squeals again.

"Oh my, no picture of his girlfriend ? Is that all he got ?'

The blonde nods, "sadly, yes. You know, when Mr. Ackerman said to leave his schedule free today. I thought it was because he was extremely tired. But who knew it was all to see his girlfriend !! Kyaa ! I guess he's only cold to his subordinates but must be a real romanticist to his girlfriend."

"Haha..! I know, right ?" (Y/n) laughs it off, trying to play it cool by agreeing to what Historia said. She then wipes the sweat on her forehead and Historia suddenly caught something weird in this.. And that's when her mind clicked.

"Oh my gosh ! I have a sore throat, jeez. I guess I laughed too much today. Lemme get some water real quick."

With that, (Y/n) securried off to the employee pantry with her fake excuse.

As soon as she gets there, the (e/c) woman gulped down a glass of water before sighing in relief, "phew.. that was so fucking close. I nearly got caught.."

"Ms. (L/n) ?"

"OH MY GOD ! You scared me, Historia. Uh... want some water ? Or snacks ?"

The blonde fumbled with her fingers, "if there's anything bad I said behind Mr. Ackerman, please forgive me. Anyone would get angry for their boyfriend, it's understandable."

"W-what do you mean ?" (Y/n) curses herself for stuttering.

"You two are dating, aren't you ?"

Historia looks straight into (Y/n)'s eyes, "The girl in the picture, whose hand Mr. Ackerman was kissing.. it's you isn't it ?"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA It's not me, it really isn't ! I never knew you're funny, Historia."

But then the blonde shook her head, "I really hate myself at times like this, being so quick to catch on." Historia then shows the picture on her phone and zooms in, "the bracelet she's wearing is the same one you have on."

"Oh this ? Everyone wore this bracelet like last year ! I'm pretty sure Sasha has the same one-"

"Ms. (L/n)."

(Y/n) gulped.

"Just admit it. I told you already. I'm very good with details. I'm quick-witted. Here, take a look at this."

The picture of Levi kissing a woman's hand. Well, if you look closely, (Y/n)'s face is reflected on an empty glass on the table. That's it. (Y/n) (L/n) is cornered. She has nowhere to hide from Historia now.

"So now you admit it ? I know you're really dating Mr. Ackerma-"

She was silenced by (Y/n), who clamped a hand to the blonde's mouth, "yes, it's true. I'm dating him, but please keep it a secret. Please just keep it to yourself. Please ??" (Y/n) begged the blonde, desperate to keep their relationship hidden from employees and the public.

Historia slowly removes (Y/n)'s hand, grinning widely, "your secret's safe with me, ma'am !" she chirped.

At least (Y/n) (L/n) is safe,

......for now. 

What's wrong with Levi's Secretary ?  [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now