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Just a heads up. This has mostly nothing to do with the book, at all! I just wanted to make a Halloween Special for everyone. Just so you guys don't get confused. Anyways enjoy the chapter :D

- Chris, hurry up! Or else there will be no more candy left for us! Y/N shouted after their ghostly friend.
- I'm coming, coming. The male said coming from his room.
- Awe Chrissy! You look so cute in your costume.
- But you look cuter, darling.

(I'll let you decide costumes for the both of you.)

- Stawp, that's cheezy! 'But still adorable!'
- C'mon, I know you like it~
- So what? It's still waaayyy too cheezy for my liking.
- We both know that you're only fooling yourself with that thought. Thus, it's very cute when you're flustered.
- I-I do promise you, that I am not flustered. I-it's just hot in here!
- Mhm~ Guess what? I do not, belive you~
- You really, really~ Should.
- No, I dOn'T tInk sÅ.
- And you're doing that old swedish meme, you ruined the moment!!!
- I'm sorry! I had to. It was just *pfffttt* so funny- BAHAHAHAHHAHA-
- Haha, very funny. But lets get going, I know the best houses to get candy from!
- Alright Alright, but can I have a kiss later?~
- H-huh!? Fine..
- Thank you~

(In the neighbour hood 20 minutes later)

- Okay CC. I know the best houses in this neighbour hood, with the best and most candy. Also the nicest people. Just follow me.
- Alright N/N.

You and Chris went around the neighbour hood and somehow got tons of candy, no CAP. You got TONS of candy.
And only because you wouldn't be able to carry everything you called Michael to teleport everything back to the Aftons house.

(At Aftons House)
Author's P.O.V

You and the Aftons (the kids) ate most of the candy but as you and CC got so much you got a stomach Ache 20 minutes later. Yes, even the dead can get stomach aches.
Micheal just sat and laughed at us, but we got right back at him as we teased (bullied) him about how he would never be able to eat candy.

But after a while CC wanted to go to bed, so he dragged you up with him.


-Y/N, let's go to bed...
- Wai-

'I won't let you finish that scentance, so I will just drag you up to my room N/N..'
And so I did, I dragged her up the stairs and went to my room where I flopped her down on my bed and I flopped down on her so she couldn't run away.

- CC, I am not tired. Get off-
- No.
- Wh-
- No.
- Bu-
- No, you stay here. I want cuddles.
- Fiiiiiinnnneeeeee.
- Good.

And with that we fell asleep. But before that, I kissed Y/N's nose.


Yes, I was lazy. And this chapter problably wasn't worth reading, but I posted it. And now I am thinking about making a Christmas special even tho Christmas is 2 months away, oh and btw. I want to make the Aftons do dares, I will post it on November 24th (My Birthday). So you can comment dares for the Aftons, Vanessa, Y/N and even me.

I will post my dares on my YouTube channel, NekoWeeb07.

Anyways Kittens, have a nice day, night or wHaTeVeR~

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