Chapter 2.

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                       Your POV                             
  When you had talked too Chris for awhile, you forgot your friends might be  waiting for you or worse, worried.
-Uhm, Chris...You say slowly.
- Yeah, what is it Y/N? He asks with a questoning face.
- I think I might have too go now, my friends are problably looking for me right now. Plus it's 5 AM. My parents will wake up for work soon.
- Well, I will let you go, but in one condition.
- Can you come back tomorrow?
- I promise.
Just when I was about too leave I felt someone hugging me from behind.
It was Chris, I felt my face going red.
But I hugged him back and went too my friends outside looking for me.
- God damn Y/N!!! YOU WORRIED ME SICK!! You bestie shouted at you.
- I'm fine, don't worry, Kay' ? I said with a grin on my face.

             Chris's POV.
As Y/N was about too leave I couldn't recist hugging her and hide my face in her neck. I felt her body get warmer. I think she might was blushing.
When she had left to go to her friends, I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was nightmare with a big grin on his face.
- What is it, nOoTmArE~ I said with a big teasing grin on my face.
- You like that girl, don't you? Nightmare said, still with the same grin on his face.
- I-I... Yeah, it's obvious isn't it?
- Very.
I quickly turned into a blushing mess. I just can't belive that I had fallen for a mortal, she wouldn't live as long as me. So why even bother, but I just can't recist her.

                   Your POV.
As I went my way back home, I was surprised that my mom wasen't awake yet. Or so I thought, as I came in closing the door quietly behind me. My Mother just turned on the Light.
- And where have you been, Child. She asked very weirdly, in fact she is always weird so why bother?
- Uhm, at a friends house?
- Okay, she said and went back too her room too sleep.
Well that happend...
*Why is mother so weird all the time*
As I went too bed, I couldn't stop thinking about Chris, I met the CRYING CHILD, like how cool isn't that? What if the others still lived there? I mean Elizabeth was my bestfriend in kindergarten, until the day at Sister Location.

                    Flash Back
- C'mon Y/N, Lets go see Circus Baby.
- You really think it's a good idea? You really didn't listen too your dad?
- Don't be afraid, I will be here too save you from the scary stuff.

                        A/N -  Neko~Chan

(In this AU Elizabeth is the youngest, if your confused, Chris is actually the youngest, but not here.)

- If you say so~

End Of Flash Back




I think I'll end this right here, have you liked it so far? Well I'm happy too think you liked it, well I gotta go now. See ya Neko babies♡

Immortal Or Not?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora