Chapter 5

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~ Short A/N~ Okay, before we get started. I've been very lazy too write that's no secret, but I'm sorry if you've been waiting. Lets get started with le story~

Your P.O.V.

After we ate le food, me and Liz continued watching our anime. Til the series were over and we went too cry in a corner. Yes, we were that sad. Don't blame us, we are just smol weebs loving Saiki.

But when we stopped crying we went on too watch Kakegurui which we thought was awesome btw, but we watched a few episodes then Chris came into the room and dragged me too his room for some reason. He dragged me thru the kitchen where Clara and William was sitting drinking Coffee.

- Hi, Mr and Mrs Afton! I say while being dragged by Chris real fast.

They just watched me being dragged away with confused looks on their faces.

-CHRIS! HOW DARE YOU TAKE MY BESTIE FROM ME!! Shouted an angry ice cream child running after us.

- Well, you've been hanging out with her all day just watching your childs shows. Now I wana hang out with her Liz! Said Chris with a grin.

- If ya really wana hang out with me Chris, you gotta watch the episode with us til the end of it. I said with a small smile.

- Hmph, FINE!

- Finally, Chris you're going too love Kakegurui. It's insane and amazing! Liz shrieked out.

- We'll see about that!

- RACE YA GUYS TOO THE LIVINGROOM THEN! I screamed as loud as possible.

We raced too the living room and, I won. If you don't count chris teleporting. I was about too jump in to the sofa and Chris sat there. So I accedently jumped on him. And ( Cliche warning ) I somehow kissed him on the lips.

Cliff Hanger! Yes, cuz I have a lesson right now and I'm writing this on my school computer. Ahh, teach is coming. Gotta go hope ya enjoyed! Bai.

Oh and thanks for so many readers. Love ya'll Bai My Neko-Cookie Weebsies!

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