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Pov: Fia Rossi

"Uh... Maybe it was someone else. It need not be your friend." I replied while emphasizing the word your.

"What do you mean by my friend? " He questioned like it was a matter of fact.

"I mean you are so nice but he... Well, he was rude to me so I just thought that maybe your friend circle will be anything but him."
I then continued,

"Firstly, he cornered me and then said that we are not strangers. Well, to me, he looked like a creep."

He got an amused expression on his face at this comment and then in the blink of an eye, it went away and was covered with a serious kinda expression.

He was focused on something or rather someone behind me.

And that's when I felt a rough muscular hand around my shoulder. I looked to my right and saw that it was the same creep or maybe..... Just maybe Leonardo.

"And she didn't give me a single sarcastic reply. " He commented in an amusing way. I was shocked. Like moments ago he was all serious with me and now he is..... Joking?

He felt really close to me so I tried to get out of his grip but ofcourse how could I, he was way more stronger than me. And then he looked at me and we locked eyes.

That was the time when I took in his green emerald eyes. They were darker at first but became soft the second we locked our eyes. He had long lashes that girls can be jealous of and a chiseled jawline. One could say that he was carved by the Gods themselves. I was really sounding like a hormonal teenager right now but eh.

Yeah okay I am one but still.

Just as we both were staring at each other, a cough sound broke us out of our trance.

We looked straight and saw that it was Jax. He was looking between us with a sweet smile plastered on his face. I took the opportunity and got out of his grip.

"Well, what are you doing here? " I asked him.

" I guess Jax was my best friend before your roommate?" He asked,showing his charismatic smile.

I looked away quickly. "So you really are his friend. "


" So shall we continue Jaxy? And ofcourse I don't need to ask you to join right? " I asked Jax while pointing towards Leonardo.

"Yeah we should and Leo you can join us. " Jax replied and Leo nodded his head.

We then resumed our eating session and then Jax formally introduced me and Leonardo. What an old name.

"So Fia meet Leonardo De Anjelo, my best friend. He goes to the same college as us and is in 2nd year with me. And Leo meet Fia, she came here yesterday and is my new roommate. "

I gave Leo my best fake smile . And he just glared at me as expected. Rude.

"Leo no!" I yelled at him

"We don't need that Leo." Came out Jax's calm voice.

"I swear to God I will never ever come for grocery shopping with you. "

Our dear Leo was happily checking out each and every corner of the store like a five year old and picking out every food item that has ever existed in this whole planet.

Why would someone need 20 packets of oreos? Or 15 skittles? Yeah okay they are really tasty and all shit I know but those many?

"I am paying. And I will discard every useless item that you have put in. " I shouted over my shoulder while making my way to the cashier.

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