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POV: Lilly Collins (the lady in the plane)

That day... That special day when I saw her for the first time in my life after 16 years.

She had become a beautiful girl, inheriting many of my features. My heart still aches to have a look at her once again. I still remember that day...


She was going to leave for California this afternoon. Marcello didn't want me to go on the plane with her but I protested. My heart was aching to get a look at her in real life. To look how she turned out after all these 16 years. 16 years of this dreadful life full of lies that she had spent.

So I booked a ticket to California, our new destination, on the same plane as hers, and luckily, I got the seat just beside her.

I entered the business class and saw that she was already sitting there.

And oh my god.

She had long brown hair flowing down her back, resembling a style I got familiar with back in my teenage years and her facial features were all similar.

I quickly sat down beside her. She was opening the manila folder that Antonio must have given to her. But just as she saw me sitting, she closed it quickly.

I told her my name, which she of course didn't remember. But she hesitated when it was her turn to introduce herself. She must have been confused about what to introduce herself as. She hadn't even opened the file so ofcourse she didn't know what her fake name was yet.

When she saw that I had ended the conversation after noticing her awkwardness, she began to read the folder.

Which she shouldn't have done.

Antonia being the smart ass man he is must have asked her to not read it before landing in California, but taking after her father, she disobeyed even his last order.

Her curiosity took the best of her.

Even though we could have easily read the file later on, I couldn't stop my own curiosity bugging at me.

I had my fake eyeshades on to make her think that I was sleeping and not trying to decipher the contents of the file.

I was slowly falling in love with these creations of Fed. Even in his old age he couldn't stop inventing interesting gadgets.

By this time he must be inside the aeroplane's security system. Taking every picture of the file possible from the little cameras.

I took in as much information as I could in that one hour.

After she had read the file, she seemed to be in some deep thought. Then she took a look at me and let out a sigh of relief after she saw that I was sleeping, or not paying attention at least.

She slept the whole time after that. I could imagine how much tired she would have been. I was staring at her all the time. But she was in such a deep slumber that she didn't wake up.

After we exited the plane together, we made our way to the luggage section where I gave her the tiny hint of how her life will again change now.

She was stunned at my comment, obviously.

" But Fia, you know you should have listened to your father. You shouldn't have opened the folder on the flight. "

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