Part 14

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Ellie's pov:

I had just finished unpacking all of my stuff in the hotel and it was 17:52 so that means it was time to head to the diner. Walking into the diner I got a sense of nostalgia. It hadn't changed a bit besides a few decorations for the upcoming fall. Gibbs was sitting at the same booth as always and because he hadn't changed at all, it gave me huge deja vu. I go to the counter to order a to-go order then I head to where he is sitting.  "Hey Gibbs." I said sliding into the booth.

"Hey Bishop. Here is everything we have on the case so far." He said handing me 3 files.

"How'd you get all this if you aren't working the case?" I asked curiously.

"Well since Vance won't let us work on the case, because apparently 2 isn't enough for a team, I had McGee hack into the other team's files. They didn't have much but I'll let you know if we find anything else." he said with a small flash of a smile.

"Thank you Gibbs." I said softly. Then i noticed the weird look he was giving me. "What Gibbs?"

"You look a little different." he said and it caught me off guard. I'm not used to Gibbs saying things like that.

"I have changed and it seems you have to." I admit and he smiles. Then a few seconds later the counter announces my to go. "See you Gibbs."

"Hey Ellie." He calls after me and I turn around. "After you get this all figured out  visit sometime. Nick was a huge mess and he had gotten better, but I can see through the act he misses you. Anyway Bye Bishop." he admitted.

"I'll try, bye Gibbs." I smiled then grabbed my food and headed to the hotel.

I sit down at the small table in my hotel. I open my gilled chicken meal and it tastes just like it used to, and I smile with pleasure. Once I am a few bites in I decide to open the files. So far they know where the car went, the owner of the car, and who took Nick from his car. Gibbs said they didn't have a lot but they sure seemed to have a lot.

They followed the car on cameras to an old country road then lost trace. The owner of the car reported it stolen 3 days ago but there was no word of its location until now. The owner is an old man named Ralph Johnson. He has no criminal record, is retired, and volunteers at a homeless shelter every day, not him. The women who they IDed from Cameras by the crash is of the name Aleksandra Nikolaev. She was apparently sisters of a man that me and Nick arrested during an undercover operation in Russian arm dealing. She hasn't been spotted in 3 years when she moved to southern Georgia. This seems like the person who had him.

Something about her is bothering me though, she looks so familiar. She has short brown hair with green eyes, and a pretty slim figure. She is quite pretty. If she wasn't involved in Russian arms dealing, and she didn't just kidnap Nick, then I'd hit on her for sure.

Nick? Nick! What am I supposed to say to him after all this? I haven't talked to him at all in a year and I practically left without saying goodbye. Whatever thats not important I need to find him first.

I must have been lost in thought for awhile because by the time I went to take another bite of my food, it was cold. I decide to look up some old files on me and Nick's undercover investigation to hopefully help get more on Aleksandra. Tommorow I will ride the road the car  down till I see something -anything.

It wasn't until almost midnight when I finally layed down. Eventhough I layed down, sleep barely came. I stayed up most the night tossing and turning, but completely lost in thought. I thought about the case, my team back home, Aleksandra, and Nick -mainly Nick. Truth is I do miss him but I felt I needed to change to grow, and its hard for me to accept that might not be the case.

By the time sunrise came around I was already wide awake and practically ready to leave. I ended up leaving around 7am and picked up coffee and a pastry to give me the energy I knew I would need.

I follow the road the car went down all the way to the end and there's nothing. Since there has to be something I get out and walk around. I go into the woods and begin walking. About 1/4 of a kilometer in, I see a tower of vines and you can't see behind them at all. I walk to the vines and move some to see behind them, revealing a barn looking building and a golf cart. No wonder there are no huge tire tracks leading back here.

I walk around the barn and find the stolen car, but since there was no sign of Nick, I assume he's inside. Before I can call out for him, I am hit upside the head and fall to the ground. I slightly look up to see the smiling face of Jake. "Hey Ellie did you miss me?" he says then everything gets progressively dissolved and I loose consciousness.

I wake up in what I assume to be the barn and I try my hardest to move but I can't. "Don't waste your energy, its not worth it." I hear behind me. I tuen to see Jake was the one talking, and Nick was there near him.

Nicks mouth was ducktaped unlike mine. As I was about to talk someone else walked in. I could barely see her but it was safe to assume it was Aleksandra. She grabs something shiny, most likely a knife, off a table that was apparently behind Jake. She came close to me and I finally realized why she looked so familiar. "Allison? Allison Wentworth?" I ask and she busts out laughing, Jake laughs a bit too.

"No that wasn't my real name, that's the name my brother said I could use to go undercover just like you. But unlike you I'd be making my life better and your life a living hell. You see Ellie it was all a plan, a plan to ruin your life like you ruined my and Jake's lives. " She said gesturing to Jake.

Then she continued. "When my brother realized who you and Nick were he warned me and we made a plan, which never worked so I used certain parts of the plan to make my own. I decided I'd move to America under the fake identity my brother made for me. I changed my appearance enough for cameras to not catch, and to make law enforcement not look twice. Then I moved from Georgia to DC and got a job at the dinner. My main goal was to get close to you and build a good relationship, then eventually  I'd ruin your life from the inside out. Sadly that plan was ruined when you moved, but luckily Jake was an analyst and found out about this whole situation. He made a deal that if I let him join in then he'd keep all of this off of any radars. So together we came up with a new plan and I think its going pretty well." she said turning to Jake and they nodded to each other.

This definitely wasn't the Alli I knew. Her sweet, comforting southern accent was transformed into a cruel, suspicious Russian accent. I feel stupid for even befriending her. "Aren't you going to say anything or would you like to get to the show?" I remained quiet because I knew it would stall the situation. I was doing well at keeping quiet till Alli busted out laughing again and she punched me, hard, in the face. "Speak slut!" she yelled at me.

"What's the show?" I asked making eye contact with Nick for a moment.

"Well you get to watch you're sweet boy toy die." Alli said throwing her knife so that it stuck into a wall next to Nick. My face became horrified and she could tell. "By you're face I can tell you think this is a great idea. Anyways lets get started."

As she began to walk away, I swung my legs around and moved her swiftly around, then kicked her, hard, in the stomach. She fell and dropped the knife. I quickly manoeuvred to get the knife in my hand then cut the tape on my ankles. Before I could do anything else I was kicked in the stomach by Jake and he took the knife from my hand. "You women are so weak, let me show Ellie what its like to see love die out right in front of you." He said walking  toward Nick.

I crawled towards Jake as fast as I could  and pulled his legs so he fell quickly to the ground. When he fell the knife was facing toward him and he was stabbed. I gasped in shock, not expecting that to happen. "You bitch!" I hear Alli scream from behind me and within seconds she has me in a chokehold. I try to fight her strong grip but I get dizzier and dizzier, but the moment I see Nick's worried face I fight as hard as ever.

When I kick her in the crotch she winces in pain and her grip on me loosens. I fall to the ground trying to regain my breath, and I use the few seconds of free time I have to release my hands. Then I see her coming at me. I kick her in the stomach.  She uppercuts my throat then also punches me across the face and I fall to the ground once again. I feel whipped, probably from a mix of stress, lack of sleep, and well this.

She flips Jake over and removes the knife. "Damn I got to do everything alone." she announces and I try my hardest to get to her in time but I am too late and she stabs Nick.

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