Part 3

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Nicks pov:

"What do you mean he wasn't really kidnapped because of money? Thats what he told us." I questioned. Mcgee sighed and walked back behind his desk.

"Thats what he told the doctor and thats what he told you and his own sister..Thats not what he told us." Mcgee replied. "Besides why did you let Ellie go see her brother? Gibbs is mad."

"Gibbs never told me or her that she wasn't allowed ro see him. Plus thats not up to him to decide."

"You should know Gibbs enough by now that if you aren't allowed in a case then you probably aren't allowed to see the victim."  Mcgee said with an annoyed look on his face. I don't care if hes annoyed though, this is unreasonable.

"Regardless Gibbs can't stop Ellie from visiting her own brother."

"Thats right Agent Torres but Agent Gibbs and I can encourage her not to." Vance says walking around the corner with Gibbs following behind him. "We're not gonna tell her she shouldn't go but we called the nurse and said that if she saw Agent Bishop she should encourage her not see her brother. Its not good for her mental health to see her brother like that. We aren't going to stop her just try and encourage her not to."

"But director, you aren't even encouraging her not to. Instead you are having the nurse do it." I argued.

"Torres, the director made his decision, its easier this way." Gibbs said sternly and glared at me. McGee was right, he is mad. The director nodded and walked back up to his office. "Update!"

Mcgee got up. "So as George told us this morning when we visited him the real reason for his kidnapping was Ellie-" I gasped cutting him off and both Mcgee in Gibbs turn to look at me. Then McGee continues, "Both dead captors were related to a man we arrested last year. The man we arrested has no other alive family members and nothing else is at question so the case of George's kidnapping is closed."

"McGee why were they on a navy ship? And what about the bomb?"

"Gibbs, i talked to George again over the phone and he said they were on the ship so they could contact Bishop and tell her about her kidnapped brother. Then she'd get scared and come running to the ship, but their plan failed when the bomb went off and they were never able to contact her." McGee said nodding to both me and Gibbs as his way of confirming the case of George's kidnapping is completely closed. "As for the bomb, thst seems to be a separate case unless if George or someone helping him to escape put it there. Kasie would know more."

Gibbs nodded and walked away, most likely heading to Kasies lab. "Wow that was a lot. He lied to me and Ellie though, his own sister. That's terrible, Ellie won't take it well." I sighed.

"You have to see why he did it though and anyways how is Bishop?" McGee said walking over to my desk.

"Shes okay. She is really struggling with everything. I spent almost the whole day with her yesterday and we watched a movie which really just turned into her taking a five hour nap." I said with small laughter. "She's taking everything that has happened very hard. She also said that nap was the most sleep she had gotten in days. I feel bad for her."

Mcgee gave a sympathetic look. He knows how much Ellie means to me and how hard it is for me to see her like this. "You should go see her later."

"Oh definitely."

"You better go see Bishop later and update us on her, but don't think about taking her to the hospital." Gibbs said walking around the corner with Kasie. "Kasie connected the bomb parts to a store."

McGee and I looked at Kasie. "What store?"

"Its a small auto parts store." She said with a small sad smile. I was confused, this should be a good thing.

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