Part 1

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Ellies pov:

I walked into headquarters after a very long weekend and it showed. I had bags under my eyes and having a smile seemed non-existent. Normally when I wasn't feeling 100% I would call Sloane but she is in Afghanistan so that isn't an option anymore. Everything has felt so hard lately. First I was kidnapped then i got stuck in a jail cell with Nick that could have easily blown up. Then we all lost Brenna and Sloane. It has been hard for me to deal with.

I continue walking to my desk and sit down and automatically lay down my head, ignoring the looks i receive from both Nick and Mcgee. I hear footsteps step come from around the corner on my right. A few moments later I look up and see Gibbs giving me a strange questioning look. He slants his head and walks to his desk. "Grab your gear!" He yells grabbing his gun.

We all stand up and Gibbs looks at me and shakes his head. "Bishop you stay here today."

I widen my eyes in shock. "But Gibbs its just a crime scene."

"Exactly" he says walking towards the elevator. I look toward Mcgee and Nick and its obvious we are all thinking the same thing.

"Guys shouldn't he be the one staying here if anyone. He just lost Sloane and watched someone else he is close to go through what he has, loosing a wife." I say snd they both nod.

"Well Bishop with the way you looked when you walked in this morning, you probably aren't up for it either." Nick says and they both laugh. As they walk towards the elevator. I wave and mock their laugh. I hate staying at headquarters while they are out doing stuff.

I decide to head down to Kasie and rant to her about this. I walk in and she is doing something on her computer. "Kasie! Can I rant?"

"Sure its not like i have actually work to do." She said sarcastically so I laughed sarcastically. "And besides aren't you supposed to be at the crime scene."

"See no, thats what this is about. Gibbs told me to stay here and I have no clue why. Shouldn't he be the one staying here? He just lost Sloane and we all know what was happening there, and regardless Jimmy just lost his wife and Gibbs really relates to that. Wouldn't you think that bring back memories? He needs to take a break just as much as I do and more."

"Woah woah Bishop calm down. We all know Gibbs needs a break but that has been long overdue. Besides no one is telling you to take a break, just not to go to the crime scene." She said with her hand expressions she always has. Its one way you can tell how she feels. Right now she is overwhelmed and determined I think. "Anyways you know their reason for making you stay was a good one after what happened."

I moved my head to look up at her very fast. "Wait what happened?" I say and Kasie turns around slowly is shock.

"Oh you didn't know, sorry I guess I wasn't supposed to tell you."

"But you can tell me anyways right?"

"Oh Bishop I would never." she said and I tilted my head because i know thats a lie. "Okay fine, so you know about the bomb that went off on the navy ship this morning?"

"No, what? Is that what we are investigating?"

"Yes it is. Only 3 were close enough to the bomb for it to injure them. 2 are dead and the other seemed to be tied up and a little bit father away but was very injured."

"Okay, Kase what does this have to do with me?"

"The one who was injured and tied up was your brother George." She said slowly. I opened my eyes wide. What was my brother doing on a navy ship? I was mad and almost felt as if I was about to pass out. Then everything went black and I did.

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