Part 4

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Nicks pov:

I wake up with Ellie still asleep in my arms. I reach for my phone being careful not to wake her. I have 3 missed texts and 6 missed call, most from Mcgee and one call from Kasie. Crap, it is already passed 10am, I was supposed to be at work 3 hours ago. I carefully lay Ellie down on the sofa, kiss her forehead then cover her with a blanket. I quickly grab my phone and keys then leave.

I walk into head quarters and Mcgee is staring me down as I walk to my desk. "Where the hell were you?"

"I was at Ellie's." I reply trying to make it seem like not a big deal.

"What were you doing at Bishops this early?" He asks with a curious expression. Then he gasps and his expression changes. "Nick what happened?" He says sternly and i give him a questioning look.

"Why did you gasp and nothing happened? I was just there helping a friend and we fell asleep."

"That doesn't explain your neck." McGee argues.

"My neck?" I question. I pick up my phone and look in the camera. I gasp when I realize I have a two hickeys from where Ellie was kissing my neck. "Oh my god, Tim its not what it looks like."

McGee glares at me and I'm assuming this is supposed to be a protective brother thing and I'm supposed to be scared. "Yeah okay Nick."

"McGee get your head out of the gutter." I joke but mean it seriously.

"Yeah listen to Torres," Gibbs calls from around the corner, "Oh Torres, did you have a fun night?" He asks tilting his head acting like he is examining my neck.

"Gibbs sorry I was late." I say.

"Yeah I don't care. Just get to work and get your paperwork done so we can schedule John's court date." He says picking up his coffee and walking off.

"Oh so he confessed in the interogation?" I ask Mcgee who looks up annoyed.

"Come on Nick you knew he would and don't try to change the subject." He says pointing at me.

"McGee I told you nothing happened."

"Then your neck just magically ended up that way?" he asks and I just shake my head and get back to my paperwork.

"Heyyy guys," Jimmy says walking from around the corner. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything- oh Nick your neck. Fun night?"

"He was with Bishop." McGee butts in.

"Bro seriously? Nothing happened Jimmy." I say angry and trying to make it clear so Jimmy won't get curious too.

"That's what he wants you to think." McGee whispers then winks.

"Dude stop, nothing happened."

"Then how do you have two hickeys on your neck?" Mcgee questions again.

"Okay guys!" Jimmy stops us. "Okay but what I was trying to say is this Saturday is Victoria's birthday and its her first birthday without her mom and I was hoping you guys could come. To make it more than just me and her and to be my emotional support I guess." Jimmy muttered with tears forming in his eyes.

"oh of course Jimmy" I said with a small sympathetic smile.

"I should be able to come, lets hope I can come." Mcgee exclaimed with a small nod.

"Okay thats great. Can you guys let Gibbs know?" Jimmy asks. Me and Mcgee look at each other then nod to Jimmy. "thank you, I'll talk to you guys later."

The rest of the day is silent till around 1pm when Ellie calls me. I pick up the phone. "Hey Bishop, everything alright?"

"Yeah I just woke up and saw you were gone so I called." she said breathing really heavily.

"Bishop are you sure you're okay? You're breathing really heavy again."

"Oh yeah, it was just another nightmare I'm fine."

"Okay well I'm almost done with paperwork, I can come over after work again if you want me to?" I ask.

"That'd be great, I'll see you then."

"Okay bye Bishop." I reply and then hang up.

"Mhmm so you going over after work again." McGee says turning his chair to face me. I simply roll my eyes and continue my paperwork because I'm not getting that conversation started again.

After a few minutes Mcgee turned back around and got back to work. I finished everything around 2pm and left headquarters. I started driving to Ellie's and mentally preparing myself for questions about last night and questions about the case. I accidentally let it slip that I was working on paperwork like we do when a case is closed, so Ellie probably has put it together we solved her Brother's case. I pull into her driveway and continue to mentally prepare myself. I knock on the door and she answers smiling. "Hey Nick come in." She says and I follow her to sit on the sofa. Before we sit down she stops. "Oh my god, Nick your neck. Did i do that?"

"Just sit down, its a long story." I say and sit down then pat the sofa cushion next to me. She nods and sits down. I wrap my arm around her and start: "well Ellie you were wasted and I was helping you walk out of the bar and you started kissing my neck giving me one of these. The other was from helping you from the car to this sofa."

"Oh I'm very sorry Nick, did I do anything else?" She asks.

"Oh um no not really." I lie.

"Nick I can tell when you're lying to me, what did I do? Just tell me." She begs.

"Nothing serious I guess you just kissed me." She cut me off with a gasp. "Yeah and told me about something I said in a dream you had."

She picked her head off my shoulder and turned it to face me. "I am so sorry Nick. I shouldn't have gotten that drunk and acted like that. Lets just not go to a bar again when we are both tired and depressed." she said making us both giggle. Then her expression turned sad and she layed her head back down. "What did everyone st work say about your beautiful neck?"

"Oh you know the usual, Mcgee being over dramatic, Gibbs not caring, and Jimmy having more important things to deal with." I say and she laughs. "speaking of Jimmy, he is having a birthday party for Victoria on Saturday and wants everyone to come."

"Sounds fun. I'll be there." She replies. Then the room turns into silence. We both sit there for a few minutes enjoying the quiet and each other company. Then Ellie speaks: "Nick what happened with my brothers case?"

Crap. "I'm sorry Ells I can't tell you yet but as soon as I am able to, I will."

"Nick please."

"Bishop no, I can't."

"Fine." she says then we are back in silence. This silence isn't like before. Now its different. I can tell she is mad at me and I wish I could tell her but I know it would make her mentally 10x worse than she is now. "So how old is Victoria now, six?"

"Yeah I think so. I hope so, thats what I told McGee." I admit.

"We all have such good memories." She said sarcastically and I laughed.

I don't wanna sit in silence again so I turn Ellie around and grab her cheek with my hand. "Ellie are you okay?"

She rests her cheek on my hand more than before and tears start to form in her eyes. She doesn't talk but simply shakes her head 'no'. I nod and give a sympathetic smile and pull her in for a hug. We sit in each other's embrace and she starts to cry into my shoulder.

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