CHAPTER 12: Mysterious Package | Lucius

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Isabella shook her head. She struggled to keep up with her partner's pace. "The presence of constables means the capital city isn't as safe as it used to be. They will only feel secure once things get back to normal. And have you forgotten? We're dealing with dangerous arcasters. They're not just some petty robbers or trespassers."

Lucius sighed. Danger was part of his trade, so whatever imminent threat was present did not matter to him. He had been used to it since his arcane hunting days. "The people could have at least kept modes of transportation running."

They strode along the sidewalk of the downtown district. Lucius was on the lead while Isabella was still behind. They walked past the shops that used to be open around this time. Even their favorite restaurant had to close.

"If you hate walking all the way to the hilltop district, can't you ask a favor from the Captain?" Isabella finally caught up and was walking beside him at the same pace. "Surely, he can lend us one of their carriages?"

"Unfortunately, all constabulary carriages have been deployed to patrol the city." Lucius glanced sideways at his partner. He had already thought of that option. "Solving the king's murder is important, but securing the capital city is more important at the moment. Don't worry. Once we get our reward from the crown prince, I will buy my personal carriage."

"Two questions: Where are you going to keep it? And how are you going to maintain it?"

"I can ask Kaj to look after the horse and the carriage. A bag full of mercs will do the trick."

"That's child labor!"

"I'd like to think of it as giving an opportunity to a street urchin. You saw the happiness in the kid's face when he received his fifteen percent share of the reward. Am I not benevolent enough?"

Isabella let out a sigh. "If the Senate Committee on Labor summons us to answer questions about illegally employing a child, I will deny any involvement with you. You're on your own."

Lucius snorted. "Almost half of the senators were wiped out in the attack. They don't have the time nor the manpower to deal with petty issues."

"Petty? Really? Child labor can land you in jail if you're found guilty!"

"They need me to solve the royal murder. Until that case is closed, I am untouchable."

"As long as you don't drag me to prison, I don't mind if you spend years being incarcerated."

Lucius narrowed his eyes at her. She was supposed to be his ride or die. "We're partners, aren't we? You should go wherever I go."

"Not in jail."


The duo came to a halt, turning in the direction where that raspy voice came from. They reached the border that separated the downtown from the uptown district. As they made an about-face turn, a man wearing deep red coat greeted them with a smiling face. He was walking ahead of a cart being drawn by a horse. In it, a large crate was guarded by two other men wearing the same colored coat. They also had three more horses with them.

"Rufy!" Lucius called back.

The cart stopped by the streetside as the two men walked toward each other. The man in red coat had crimson hair with curls. A thin, linear scar across his left cheek was hard to miss. They shook hands, bumped their chests, and patted each other on the back.

"It's been a while since I last caught a glimpse of your shadow," Lucius greeted, stepping back. He needed to tilt his head up because he was inches shorter than the man before him. "What have you been up to?"

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