CHAPTER 01: The Arcane Trackers | Lucius

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thank you so much for the enthusiasm to explore the world of Alterra! This story is written in third person POV, so if you're used to reading my first person POV stories, this may feel slightly strange for you. 

CONTENT WARNING: This chapter contains some scenes that are not be suitable for very young readers. Reader discretion is advised.

 Reader discretion is advised

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LUCIUS WOULD always do everything just to get to the bottom of the truth. As in, everything! If he had to dirty himself with grease and pretend to be a beggar, he would do it. If he had to cut one of his fingers to join a gang and go undercover, he would do it as well. He was willing to do literally anything. That's how dedicated he was in his work. Sadly, he had not received a medal for it.

What's his job, you ask? He's an arcane tracker. A quite prominent, if one might add. Someone who would investigate crimes committed by arcasters or people who could use magic. The best thing about his gig? He was not bound by a strict and repetitive work schedule. He could control his own time. He could decline a job if he did not find it interesting. One could say that he hit the jackpot! He might have the coolest job in the world. Freedom! That was the best gift a person could ever have.

Speaking of job, Lucius had to investigate a fire that broke out in a noble family's mansion in the hilltop district. Because his client was filthy rich—the guy's a baron!—he could imagine how much mercs he would reap as a reward once he identified who set the house ablaze. The case was not solved and closed yet, but he was already thinking of going on a vacation in the island southwest of the Arcerean Kingdom. He had been wanting to go to the beach, feel the fine white sand between his toes, and enjoy a glass of orange juice. But his demanding job and his need to make ends meet prevented him from enjoying the life that he had always wanted.

Lucius had a strong feeling that an arcaster was behind the fire. If they were not, he would have not taken this case in the first place. But how did he know? He did not smell any traces of gasoline in the area. The blaze also spread quickly across the mansion—ten times faster than normal—according to the household staff. None of them saw who started the fire, so he needed to look for clues elsewhere.

He asked the bystanders and passersby until he was led to a tavern at the downtown district of the royal capital city of Polarcus. It reeked of alcohol and cigarette smoke. Every table had been occupied and every seat had been taken. Only the commonfolk would frequent this place, as the elite would prefer to enjoy the night in a pub somewhere at the uptown district. This was not the kind of tavern that Lucius would usually find himself into. But for the sake of the job, he would. Thanks to his social skills and experience, he did not look like an idiot trying to blend in.

There he met a female member of a traveling troupe who happened to pass by the burning mansion this afternoon. She still had her make up on, accenting her eyes, cheeks, and lips. She wore a red-and-white drawstring dress. Fortunately, Lucius was adequately dressed tonight. He got his favorite trench coat with him. He looked like a gentleman, making him stand out from the other customers. The woman would not be turned off if he approached her.

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