Chapter 1 - Encounter

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People are always born into different sets of life.

There are those who were blessed with fortune,

those blessed with love,

those blessed with healthiness,

those blessed with happiness,

those blessed with others to count on...

To (y/n), all those people were born with everything, everything she ever wanted. Unlike those people, (y/n) was born into a family with money problems, health problems.

her parents were busy working hard, only to be able to pay a monthly rent. Her mother was never in good shape, ever since Yuki, (y/n)'s younger sister, passed away. In a way, Yuki was what kept the family stable.

She still had that innocent mind, the careless child one. The one that'd get happy over the littlest things ever, and would get mad if things wouldn't go her way. That child was the only thing keeping the family stable, she didn't have a single care of the world.

So why did a pure innocent mind like hers have to go away so soon? You haven't seen your parent's smile ever since she's passed away.

When (y/n) was just about 10 years old, her father moved to China. He found a job there that could help out the family. It's been 4 years since she last saw him. She holds a grudge against him for leaving her mother behind while doing so poorly. However, she knows he left for the sake of her family, so she can't entirely blame him.

She started to get into fights frequently. She never really had friends either, her only purpose in life was to take care of her mother. That's all she cared about. When (y/n) turned 12, her mother was sent to the hospital. Her mental health got worse, as it started affecting her physical health.

But no matter how harsh times were, she swore to always keep her head up, she swore she'd do anything to keep her mother alive, she swore that she will be able to make her mother smile again soon. She was a good student in school, had good grades, and great conduct.

She was a really pretty girl too, though that didn't matter to her much. She never really took care of her own physique, it's not as if she needed to though. She'd only fight whenever it was needed, when someone was in pain or when someone was getting bullied...

She's only a 14 year old, yet she holds many different burdens on her shoulders. But no matter how heavy it is, no matter its weight, she won't let it take her down.

Many people at her school liked her, but she never took the time to make friends. That is, until her very first friend appeared.


It was Tuesday afternoon, you had just finished your classes. The sky's colors were just your favorite. The sun setting, showing the end of the day and the start of the night. Those moments always felt so peaceful to you. They always made you feel at ease.

Though for once, you weren't.

You had a bad gut feeling. Not knowing what it was, as you walked your way through the pretty streets on your way home.

Something wasn't right. It wasn't the same quietness as it usually is. The silence was too obvious. You stopped walking, narrowing your eyes as you silently checked each corner of them. Someone was definitely here, following you.

"You're not being discreet, stop following me or just come out already." You said, as you closed your eyes waiting for the footsteps to enter your hearing.

However, you surely weren't expecting that many footsteps.

4? No. 5... 5 different footsteps. There were 5 people behind you. You sighed as you turned around.

Her Yuyake 夕焼け [Chifuyu Matsuno x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now