Chapter Eleven - Aftermath

Start from the beginning

Ulrich: So how did Hiroki react to the Batarang? 

Yumi: He totally lost it. I thought he was gonna have a heart attack when I gave him the Batarang. Mom and Dad didn't know what to think.

As classes began, it was a normal day. But halfway through the day, the students of Kadic were assembled in the auditorium. As the students were gathered, Principal Delmas took the stage. 

Delmas: Greetings students. You're all probably wondering why I've assembled you all here today. Well the answer to that is quite simply. Our fine institution has been visited by a special guest who wishes to speak to you all. May I present you Mr. Bruce Wayne, CEO of Wayne Enterprises in Gotham City!

As Bruce Wayne enters the stage, the students clapped loudly as Bruce waved at them with a smile on his face. The Lyoko Warriors were in shock. 

Jeremy: I don't believe it.....

Odd: Holy crap! That's Bruce Wayne! First Batman and now Bruce Wayne?! 

Ulrich: What are the odds of that?

As the crowd cheered, Bruce Wayne manages to calm the crowd down. 

Bruce: Thank you all for the standing ovation. Your principal was kind enough to allow me to speak to you all. When I was a young boy, my father used to tell me that tomorrow is one dream away. That was his phrase. Sentimental, I know. But still, it worked for me. Now, as most of you know, my father died when I was just a boy. He was gunned down, along with my mother in Crime Alley in Gotham. And as you can imagine, the days following his death were the worst of my life. Days of anger and fear and sadness. Still, that phrase, my father's phrase, tomorrow is one dream away, it kept coming back to me and deep down I knew, much as it hurt right then, things would get better. Now, why am I telling you this? Well, friends, my point is this is that when circumstances are challenging, or frightening, tomorrow is one dream away. The future is always one dream away. As from what I've seen here today, the future is bright.

As Bruce finished his speech, the students let out a thunderous applause for the playboy billionaire of Gotham City. After that, Bruce Wayne remained for a bit so that the students could get a chance to speak to him. As he approached the Lyoko Warriors, Bruce was approached by Mily and Tamiya.

Mily: Mr. Wayne! My name is Mily and I'm with both the Kadic News Team and Kadic Herald! Would you like to offer a few words to our fellow students?

Bruce: Why of course! I could arrange an interview before I leave. 

As Bruce arranged the interview, he was able to approach the Lyoko Warriors. 

Bruce: You must be young Jeremy Belpois. I've heard nothing but good things about you and Miss Aeltia Stone. Principal Delmas told me that you are among the top students in Kadic. 

Jeremy: I....I don't like to brag. 

Bruce: I can appreciate humility. Have you both thought about what you want to do for your careers? 

Aelita: We...we haven't given that much thought. 

Bruce: I see. Well when you're older, perhaps you both could work for Wayne Enterprises. We're always looking for bright young minds to carry on the future of the company. 

As Bruce Wayne said this, the Lyoko Warriors, especially Jeremy and Aelita were shocked.

Jeremy: I....I don't know what to say....

Bruce: You have plenty of time to come to a decision. Here are my business cards.

Bruce Wayne then hands Jeremy and Aelita his business cards. 

Bruce: Now if you'll excuse me, I have an interview. 

With that, Bruce Wayne left to conduct his interview with Mily for the Kadic Herald. The Lyoko Warriors were stunned. 

Odd: I'm just saying, Bruce Wayne and Batman....

Yumi: There's no way Bruce Wayne is Batman!

Odd: Hey I never said that! I'm just saying that Bruce Wayne might be working with Batman! 

Ulrich: That sounds just as unbelievable as the idea of Bruce Wayne being Batman. 

Odd: Well when Einstein and Princess get a job in Wayne Enterprises, maybe they can tell us. 

Jeremy: We'll...keep that in mind. 

With that, the Lyoko Warriors continued on with their day, unaware that Bruce Wayne was truly Batman. In that moment, the Dark Knight saw potential in the Lyoko Warriors. As Bruce Wayne returned to Gotham City, he continued his duties as Batman. At the same time, the Lyoko Warriors would stand ready for XANA. For both Batman and the Lyoko Warriors, the fight against evil was not yet done. 

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