Chapter Two - Collision Course

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After the incident at Park Row, Batman heads back to the Batcave to investigate the incident. He looks through the footage of his cowl. As the cowl focuses on the Kankrelats, he couldn't connect them with anyone he's encountered. He soon speaks with Oracle about it.

Batman: Were you able to recover the creatures?

Oracle: There wasn't a trace of them. It's like they vanished into thin air.

It quickly became clear to Batman that the situation was unlike anything he's ever dealt with. He soon looks over the footage of Aelita and Ulrich fighting the Kankrelats.

Oracle: Were you able to find anything on the criminal database?

Batman: No. Not even in the international criminal database. I'm having the Batcomputer run a scan on the destroyed computer. Maybe it'll point us in the right direction.

As Batman says this, the Batcomputer finishes it's scan on the destroyed Supercomputer. It reveals the symbol of XANA.

Oracle: It's that symbol again. What does it mean?

Batman: It means whoever or whatever was controlling those creatures, the suspects are connected somehow. How's your progress on tracking that signal?

Oracle: I managed to find remnants of the signal on that computer. Luckily I managed to piece it together. It took me a bit, but I managed to find a similar signal.

Batman: Where?

Oracle: Paris. Specifically in an abandoned car factory.

As the image of the Factory appears on the Batcomputer, Batman realizes that it's the key to what happened in Park Row. 

Batman: Then that's where I have to go. 

Oracle: Are you sure that's a good idea, Bruce? 

Batman: That factory is our only lead into finding out what happened. It's clear that this factory is connected with those creatures and the suspects. 

Oracle: You should take Dick or Tim with you. Based on what happened earlier, you could use the backup. 

Batman: I'll be fine. They'll be needed in Gotham. I can handle myself. 

Oracle: Just be careful out there, Bruce. 

With that, Batman prepared the Batplane to make his way to Paris, France to investigate the Factory. Batman intended to search the Factory for any clues to the mystery of XANA's attack on Gotham, not knowing what was happening behind the scenes. Meanwhile in Kadic Academy, the Lyoko Warriors were discussing what had happened in Gotham. 

Odd: You ran into Batman?! 

Ulrich: Could you keep it down, Odd?! Why not tell the whole school?!

Odd: I mean running into Batman is a pretty big deal, my moody friend! Do you know how many guys here would freak out about this?! This is THE Batman we're talking about!

Aelita: I'm sorry, but who's Batman?

Upon hearing this, Odd and Ulrich were immediately surprised. 

Odd: You don't know Batman? She doesn't know Batman? You know? The Dark Knight? The Caped Crusader? World's Greatest Detective? None of that rings a bell?

Jeremy: Don't forget that Aelita spent a long time trapped inside Lyoko. 

Ulrich: Still, it's crazy that she doesn't know Batman. I mean everybody in this school knows Batman! Even an airhead like Sissi knows about Batman!

Yumi: Long story short, Batman's a hero up in Gotham City over in America. 

Aelita: Like us? 

Jeremy: Not exactly. While we save the world through Lyoko, Batman does things...more directly. 

Jeremy then pulls out his laptop and pulls up news footage of Batman stopping a bank robbery led by Two Face. The news footage shows Batman taking down the bank robbers through a combination of hand to hand combat and his gadgets. Aelita was stunned to see how Batman moved. 

Aelita: My goodness!

Odd: You should see some of the guys Batman deals with on a daily basis! Joker, Two Face, Riddler, Poison Ivy, you name it! Gotham's like Lyoko mixed with Hospital of Horrors

Ulrich: And we had a run in with him. Good thing Jeremy energized us when he did. I don't want to know what it's like to get the crap kicked out of you by Batman. 

Yumi: Oh I'm sure you could handle it, tough guy. Otherwise you would've ended up back at the Skid. 

Aelita continued watching the footage of Batman. The way he fought was unlike anything she's ever seen before. 

Aelita: He must've been the one the Kankrelats were attacking. I wonder if he knows about XANA? 

Jeremy: I doubt it. Franz Hopper really covered his tracks on that. And besides, I doubt a superhero from Gotham City would be too concerned about something happening all the way out here in France. 

Ulrich: Yeah well I'm pretty sure last night that our little run in with XANA at Gotham caught his attention. 

Yumi: What exactly are you saying? 

Ulrich: I'm not saying anything. I'm just pointing out that Batman saw us last night. I don't think he got a good look at us, but still. 

Jeremy: Since you two got rid of XANA's Supercomputer, you don't have to worry about going back to Gotham City. We should be good. 

Odd: That's honestly a real shame. I would've totally wanted to meet Batman! 

As Odd said that, the bell rang. With that, the Lyoko Warriors went to class. Little did they know that Batman was on his way to France to investigate the Factory. A collision course had been set that would have the Lyoko Warriors meeting Batman. As all this happened, XANA was plotting behind the scenes. Batman's involvement would bring about unforeseen consequences for all involved. 

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