Chapter 8

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                                Sarv POV:

I saw someone walk in the church blushing but I don't know why, they then came up to me. "Hello sir, would you like to join the church?" I asked him, "Sure baby girl~" The stranger said seductively.

Ruv then came running and punched the stranger in the stomach and kicked the stranger in the nuts, and then Ruv punched the stranger on the side of his nose breaking it.

I was completely shocked seeing this, but it was also kinda hot, the stranger then passed out on the floor.

"Ruv, why did you do that to him!?" I asked really shocked, "He wasn't holy enough, trust me Sarv." Ruv answered with a bit of blood on his face.

I then went along with what Ruv said, and then I went to get a wash cloth.

After I found one I decided to clean off the blood on Ruv's face with the wash cloth. I then felt Ruv's hand on mine and he placed my hand against his left cheek where the blood was.

It made me blush a little, but at the same time it felt really nice, his cheek was kinda soft and warm. I decided to gently rub his cheek with my thumb to clean off the blood. Ruv blushed a little which seemed like he was enjoying it.

Seeing him enjoy it made my heart melt, I was just really glad that he enjoyed that. His touch was warm and surprisingly gentle for someone tough as him. After all, I could tell he's really strong due to beating up that guy earlier.

All I could think about was Ruv and how tough he was. I immediately gotten my head out of the clouds when I heard glass break.

I let go of Ruv's cheek and went to see what happened, it appeared that an old photo fell and broke. I picked up the broken photo and it appeared to be an old photo of me and dad when I was a kid.

Looking at the photo, I could remember the day when things weren't as happy as they used to be, because after that day was when my mom and uncle became abusive. I felt a pain in my heart seeing my dad in the photo.

"Sarv, you seem a bit upset, are you ok?" Ruv asked checking on me, I didn't feel like lying to him because I do feel like I could tell Ruv anything. "Well, I just kinda miss my dad..." I said in a soft but upset voice.

"What happened to him?" Ruv asked curious, I took a deep breath before I said anything "Well, growing up me and my dad were like best friends, he even taught me all about god and his religion." I said as I looked back at my past while telling the story.

"But one day on September 11th, all I could remember was my dad screaming in pain and my mom walking out of the room where dad was murdered holding a bloody knife. And since that day I've been suspicious that mom murdered my dad." I said getting more upset as I told the story.

"I feel sorry for you Sarv.." Ruv said with a worried but kinda guilty voice, "It's ok Ruv, it ain't your fault..." I said trying not to let a tear fall from my face.

I then felt Ruv's arms around me in a hug, I hugged him back. "It'll be ok Sarv, he's in a better place now." Ruv said to me softly, my heart warmed up hearing him say that.

"Thanks Ruv." I said to him softly, "Your welcome Sarv." He said softly to me back. I then felt Ruv hold my hand, I held his hand back. "Hey Sarv, can I ask you something?" Ruv questioned, "Sure Ruv, you can ask me anything." I said to him smiling.

"Can you tell me what that is?" Ruv asked while pointing to a couple kissing on the TV, I started feeling my face heat up, I was blushing after Ruv asked me that.

"Well, that's kissing Ruv, it's basically one way to show affection, to friends and lovers. But you can kiss them in multiple places, like the hand, the cheek, forehead, but if you love each other you can also kiss them on the lips." I answered with my face still blushing .

"Oh ok then, thank you for letting me know Sarv." Ruv said calmly. "Your welcome Ruv" I said to him with my blushing fading away.

(I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'm sorry it took me a long time to complete it, I was having some issues with school, but I hope you have a good day

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