Chapter 2

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                                Sarv Pov:

I was pretty glad I helped Ruv earlier, the poor guy seemed like he was in desperate need of help. "Is it ok if I stay with you for a while Sarv? I don't have anywhere to stay" Ruv asked. "Sure, you know what they say, mi casa su casa" I said to himbin a caring voice.

"Thanks Sarv" Ruv said to me in a thankful tone of voice. "No problem Ruv, I'm glad to help someone in need" I said to him with a big smile.

I checked the clock, and it was now 11:45 PM, and I noticed Ruv's eyes slowly dropping, I could tell he was tired. And Ruv got on the couch, so without hesitation I put a cozy blanket on him.

"Thanks again Sarv" Ruv said in a soft but thankful voice. "Your welcome Ruv" I said with a soft caring voice.

Ruv began to fall asleep, and then I turned off the light for him to sleep better. and then I went into my bedroom and laid on the bed and fell asleep.

The next morning I could smell something burning, and that immediately woke me up.

I went to the kitchen and saw Ruv trying to make toaster waffles but burnt them. "Good morning Ruv" I said trying not to sound a little worried about what's happening, "Morning Sarv" Ruv said looking kinda nervous about burning the toaster waffles.

"What were you doing in here?" I asked Ruv sounding a little conserned, "I tried to make breakfast, but I accidentally burnt it" Ruv said sounding kinda nervous. And I'm relieved he didn't get hurt because he didn't look like he had any burn marks on him.

"Here, let me help you" I said to Ruv in a relieved tone of voice. Then I helped teach Ruv how to make toaster waffles without burning them.

Ruv seemed to understand the more I taught him. So he gave it a try, and this time he didn't burn the toaster waffles "Good job Ruv" I said to him with a big smile, "Thanks Sarv" Ruv said in a pleased voice. "No problem" I replied.

Ruv then went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of syrup and shut the fridge door. He put the syrup on his toaster waffles and held out the bottle of syrup towards me. I gotten the message and took the syrup bottle and put some syrup on my toaster waffles.

I could tell Ruv was pretty hungry because he took a big bite out of one of his toaster waffles, like he ate half of the waffle in one bite. I just ate my toaster waffles in small bites.

I suddenly remembered when I first found Ruv last night and I gotten curious on why Ruv was in the rainy and cold alleyway in the first place. "So, what happened to make you go into the alleyway last night?" I asked Ruv, "Um, I'd rather not explain that.." he said trying not to sound nervous.

"Oh, ok." I said with a concerned voice. I had so many questions in my mind, 'What made him wear that eye patch?' 'Why was he in the alley?'.

But I decided to let those questions to rest for now because I know Ruv doesn't want to talk about that kind of stuff. We both finished eating the toaster waffles and sat on the couch.

(Btw, Sarv's church is also like her house, just letting y'all know why she has house furniture in a church)

For some reason I felt a little bit tired, maybe I didn't get much sleep last night, So I laid my head on Ruv's shoulder, I could feel his face heating up a little, he was blushing, and then I fell asleep.

(Thx for all the support in my last chapter, and I really hope y'all have a good day)

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