"Why do you have to teach me the hardest when you could have taught me this in the first place?" Jungkook complained

"People learn more from the hardest; besides, we need to write our solution." Lisa laughed "This is our strategy, perform the shift solve first in your calculator to solve for the correct answer. If the answer you got from solving step by step is wrong then there was something wrong with your solution."

"The wicked genius." Irene said, "Behind that sweet face is a wicked genius."

"You're lucky, dude." Kai threw a chip to Jungkook's face "But I'm luckier." He smiled sweetly at Jennie

The two couples secretly glared at him. Yup, that's how they dislike the guy.


"Good night." Jungkook plastered a smile "That was the first time I saw you perform. Jennie is really lucky, she's just blind to see it."

They just arrived in Lisa's unit after spending more time with their new squad.

"She's not blind, J. She knows she's lucky to have me as her best friend." She gave the helmet back to Jungkook "Thank you, J." She said sincerely "You're always there to save my pretty ass."

Just like a habit of his, he ruffled Lisa's hair, messing her bangs "I will always be your Super J."

While fixing her bangs, Lisa said "Good night, J." Then she unexpectedly kissed Jungkook's cheek

Jungkook was dumbfounded by Lisa's sudden action. He unconsciously held his cheek while watching Lisa walking towards her apartment.

"That is..." Jungkook couldn't find the right word to say "Jungkook, you're gay. This is just a pretentious relationship. She's your best friend. You like boys, not girls." He shook his head to wake his senses up "You're my living nightmare, Lalisa Manoban." He wore his helmet and drove back to his own apartment; two blocks away from Lisa's

When he arrived and parked his motorbike, he went straight inside and dialed Lisa's number.

"Miss me already?"

"Miss your ass. I'll just inform you that I'm home already." He slumped down on the sofa "I'm exhausted."

Lisa giggled from the other line "We're both. Don't forget what we reviewed, J. We need to prove to your father that you could survive this."

Jungkook knows that Lisa feels obligated to teach him because of his father.

"Don't pressure yourself to teach me, Lisa. I also want to do this. It's like challenging myself. I don't want you to stress yourself just because of me."

"No, J. It's not like I'm being forced, I like it when you're learning from me. I'm proud to see you pushing yourself forward." Lisa yawned, "Gonna sleep now, J. Good night."

"Good night, Lisa." He ended the call and his phone to the other side of the sofa "We're gonna get through this Lisa. We'll make her realize that you're the one for her, not him."

He closed his eyes only to imagine Lisa singing. Now, he's confused.



Jennie didn't listen to her boyfriend, she continued kissing him roughly.

"What is your problem? Seriously?!" Kai slightly pushed Jennie

Jennie ran her fingers through her hair "Nothing." She got off from Kai's lap "Let's sleep."

Kai just watched Jennie going to their bedroom. There was something wrong with his girlfriend but he didn't want to know the real reason. He's already hurt without even knowing the truth.

He turned the TV off and followed Jennie to their room.

"Are we okay?" Kai asked in a low voice "Did I do something that makes you act like this?"

Jennie was already lying down on their bed, back facing her boyfriend "We're okay, babe. I'm just tired but you still insisted on making out. You sometimes don't respect my decisions."

"I apologize, babe. I won't do it again." He lay down next to Jennie but didn't dare to touch her "I love you, Jen."

That night, Jennie couldn't utter the same words to Kai. She couldn't bring herself to say those words again.

When she woke up the next morning, Kai was already up and cooking breakfast for them. Her boyfriend wants to make up since he's guilty for forcing Jennie last night.

"Good morning, babe." Kai plastered his dashing smile "Pancakes? It's Friday so it means you're craving for something sweet."

Jennie unconsciously smiled. Kai remembered the small things about her. Sometimes, the small things are the biggest.

She sat on one of the bar stools and leaned her elbows on the marble counter "Thank you, babe. I also apologize for last night."

"It's okay, babe. It's really my fault. From now on, I will respect you more."

They ate breakfast together just like usual. Jennie then realized why she loved the guy in the first place. She won't let the confusion ruin their relationship.

When they arrived at the school, their friends were already in the parking lot waiting for them.

"Lisa and Jungkook weren't here yet. Should we wait for them?" Seulgi asked they kissed Jennie's cheek

"If you want to. We still have 20 minutes before the class starts." Jennie left the decision to them

"Okay, Let's wait for them." Irene decided "If after five minutes they didn't arrive, we'll go then."

"Oh, there they are." Rose saw Jungkook's motorbike

They all watched as the two took off their helmets.

"You really need to stop waking up late, J." Lisa helped Jungkook fix his wet hair "What if I didn't call?"

"Then you won't have a ride to school." Jungkook also fix Lisa's bangs

Jennie tore her sight from the two. There goes the unwanted feelings again.

After fixing each other's hair, they finally noticed their friends waiting for them.

"Did you wait long? Jungkook woke up late again." She kissed everyone's cheek "Let's go."

"Did you two went rough last night?" Jisoo teased

"We're not living together. No chance." Lisa said

"I thought you're living together? Just like Kai and Jennie." Jisoo spilled something that Lisa didn't expect

Lisa looked at Jennie but the latter couldn't look at her. Jennie lied again.

"We're not. Mr. Manoban will flip if we live under the same roof." Jungkook held Lisa's hand tightly "Let's go. We can't be late for our first quiz."

"Tu as encore rompu une promesse." Lisa muttered 



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