Pt 29 : I guess it is not a secret.

Start from the beginning

"TOMMY. Twitch, that was a joke, I do not to drugs, that is not who I am," while saying that I hear a door open so I can only assume that is Y/n coming out of the bathroom. "Well in that case, I feel as though I am not wanted here. I will be heading off now. Would say nice talking to you guys, but you are just dicks so I am just feeling so much worse about my day now. Thanks." With that I leave that call and try and find Y/n.

As I walk down the hallway I hear her packing her stuff back up.

"Look good, if you want, to put your laundry in the basket over there I will do some washing for you," I say pointing to the black basket in the corner of the room. "How is you side and your other cuts feeling?" I realise she has nothing to write on so I pass her my phone.

'It hurts, but it's fine.'

"Lets get it dressed again so it can be protected."

It doesn't take to long to put the plasters on Y/n, we did have to clean it with some alcohol wipes which I could tell hurt her, but I knew it was for her safety. The last thing I want is for those cuts to become infected and I think Y/n feels the same way. But when we finish we go and sit back on the sofa.

"Y/n I have a question," I say turning my body to face her a bit more. "As you know, my job is basically me playing games, and I have a lot of friends that I have made during my time as a creator, and I was wondering if it would be okay if I told them about you, as of now, it is only Tommy and Tubbo that know, but there are people asking where I've been and if I'm okay. Would that be okay?"

I could tell Y/n was unsure but after a few seconds she nodded and so I started composing a message.

= Dream SMP Discord =

Wilbur - As most of you guys know, I have been gone for a little while, and I guess this will now longer be a secret. I've adopted a kid. Her name is Y/n and she is amazing, but isn't in a great space at the moment, so I'm just spending as much time as I can with her. There have been some ups and downs, but she is a trouper and is just amazing. This may come as a surprise to some of you, hell it was a surprise to me, but you guys are like family to me and so I thought I would share the news.

I turn my phone around for Y/n to read before I hit send, and she gave me a smile so I took that as a yes and hit send.

Dream - Wow, congrats mate, take all the time you need, we will be behind you and if you need anything just sing out. I can't wait until I can meet you guys both in person someday.

Tommy - Ha loser, I already knew, you guys are just so late god.

Technoblade - Since the kid is no longer an orphan and I would not kill Wil (no promises) I guess the kid is okay with me. Not that you were asking but I will not come and try and murder you guys.

Philza - TECHNO

Puffy - That great Wil, you would be a dad. 

Quackity - <3

Ranboo - Yo, will she be anonymous to the fans, we can be faceless together. Hell yeah.

George - I will have to come around at some point so I can meet her.

Me and Y/n just sit and watch the messages come back. I have to explain to her about Techno, she seemed to tense up when she read it comment.

Dream - When / will you be telling your audience? I feel as though they will find out at some point,  and it might be better that you tell them as apposed to Tommy just blurting it out.

That is a good point, I wasn't sure about telling them. I don't want them to worry about the fact that I may be gone for extended periods of time, but I also don't really want to put Y/n out on the internet like that.

"Y/n? How would you feel if I were to tell my viewers about you? I will do what you feel comfortable with, so if you do not want me to tell them about you just yet or ever as a matter of fact, I am willing to not tell them. But on the other hand, they may find out. Its up to you," I want to give Y/n this choice, it would be her life not mine I would be putting out there. I put mine out because I want to, but I don't want to force her to be as open as I am.

'You can tell them. The dream person has a point, you seem to be very popular so they can know, would it be okay if they like don't have pictures or something?' she wrote on her hand.

"Of course, if you want you can just not appear or we can get you something to cover your face. There are a few people that are like that. Ranboo for example doesn't really show his face, but if he is out in public, he will wear a mask to hide his face," I'm glad that she is setting boundaries, I was sort of nervous about her getting bothered for being close to me, so if people just don't know what she looks like that would sort it. "Would you like me to just use the same message that I sent to my friends?" A soft nod and a small smile appears on her face.

I put a post on Twitter and Instagram with just what I told the others.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

I look at the like and it is 2:30, ah must people coming to talk to Y/n.


HEY YOU! Yes, you, sitting behind your screen reading this. I don't know you and you certainly don't know me. But I want to tell you something. Everyone has their own story. Yours might be filled with joy and happiness, or it might be clouded with pain and misfortune. I want you to know that you're a beautiful, wonderful, talented person. Even if your life isn't going the way you want it to right now, I know that you'll be able to make it out alright. I want you to do me a favor. I know I'm just a stranger, but just trust me, okay? Every time you see your reflection, be it in the mirror in the bathroom, in a window somewhere, or in a puddle on the street, I want you to look at yourself and give yourself a hug. Because even if you aren't the prettiest or the smartest or the funniest, you're something that no one else can be: you. And you are the greatest thing you can be. Smile at strangers. Be confident in yourself. Cry when you feel like crying, laugh when you feel like laughing. Treat yourself like a god/goddess because you deserve it. Hold your head up and keep your heart open. You're worth everything and then some. And always remember that no matter what, even if it doesn't seem like it, you're everything to someone. I wanted to make sure no one felt upset like I did - hating myself and crying to sleep. You are all special <3

You are amazing and the best you can be so I'm really glad you are you.

Remember that your body isn't paper, so don't cut it,

Remember your face isn't a mask, so don't hide it,

Remember that your size isn't a book, so don't judge it,

And most of all, your life isn't a film, so don't end it

You are beautiful just the way you are, don't ever change from who you are for others <3

I am so FUCKING proud of you, everyone reading this. You are doing great, you may not be feeling 100%, but you are giving 100% of what you do have.

I just want to say thank you. You guys, girls and anything in between are absolutly amazing and I love you.

I hope all of you are having a good day/night/ whatever time it is where you are.

Make sure you eat, drink some water, take your meds (if not already) and get some good sleep.

Even if you just try to eat or drink something, that is all that matters, that you tried.

You are AMAZING and never forget that.

Stay safe and remember that you are loved. ❤❤❤

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