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Luisa and Mathias watched as Rocket climbed up the tree happily. Luisa smiled at feeling Rocket and her dad's happiness and excitement. This never gets boring to watch, dad, Luisa told Mathias. Exactly, Mathias told Luisa.

The sound of Mathias's cellphone interrupted their happy mood. Mathias quickly answered the call and put it on speaker for Luisa to also hear.

I have a monster that talks, a dryad, and I already called Alaric, Dorian told Mathias. Okay, Me and Luisa will be there as soon as we can, Mathias told Dorain. Alright, I'll see you both soon too, Dorain told Mathias. Dorian ended the call first so Mathias also ended the call.

I can't wait to meet the dryad, I have so many questions already I have, like are they single, Luisa told Mathias. What about your crushes on Hope and Rafael? Mathias questioned Luisa. Hope isn't interested and Rafael's girlfriend just died so you know he's not looking for someone new, Luisa told Mathias.

There's no rush for you to get a girlfriend or boyfriend, you're still young, Mathias told Luisa. I know, still I'm a sucker for romance and I'd like to have that with somebody, Luisa told Mathias.

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Luisa sat with Lizzie and Josie among the other students while Dr. Saltzman, Mathias and Mrs. Tig stood together while he had an announcement to make. Luisa had her walls up to block herself from feeling anyone else's emotions.

Given recent events, some students have expressed concern that I am not allowing you to have a say in the decisions that affect you future and I agree, if you are expected to abide by this school's policies, it's only fair that you have a voice in how those rules are made, so I am forming an honor council, and since Luisa has already told me with her being the only empath here, she isn't interested in being apart of the honor council, there will be one vampire, one witch and one werewolf each elected by their peers, along with our school counselor Emma, whose vote will represent the younger students, Alaric announced to the students.

Now, I, Mathias and Luisa have to go off-campus, in the meantime I expect you to make good decisions and to vote wisely, that's all, you're dismissed, Alaric told the students. 

Luisa and all the other students you up to leave. Why are you leaving too? Lizzie and Josie both questioned Luisa. So my empath abilities can be used on this new monster that can speak, a dryad, Luisa answered them. I'll see you both when we get back, Luisa told Lizzie and Josie.

Luisa followed behind Alaric and Mathias to Alaric's car to head to the cabin where Dorain and the dryad were at.

Hi Dr. Saltzman, Dr. Saltzman, Dr. Saltzman, um is there a decision coming about if Landon can stay here, Rafael questioned Alaric. We are running tests on him to figure once and for all if he's supernatural, Alaric answered Rafael. What if the results aren't clear? Rafael questioned Alaric. Well, then I have a decision to make, Alaric answered Rafael.

Well, can the honor council decide? Isn't that the point? You know, that we have, like a say in stuff like this? Rafael questioned Alaric. If it comes to that and we determine he's not a danger, then yes, Alaric answered Rafael. Thanks, you're not gonna regret this, Rafael thanked Alaric. Luisa and Mathias continued walking to Alaric's car and passed by MG. 

I feel bad for MG since now all the vampires here hate him, what Kaleb was doing was dumb and risky with not healing the girls he was feeding on to cover his tracks, Luisa told Mathias. Hopefully Kaleb learns from this, Mathias told Luisa. Yeah, me too, Luisa told Mathias. 

So who's looking after Rocket right now? Luisa questioned Mathias. I left him with Emma, Mathias answered Luisa. Alaric finally reached the car after his conversation with MG was over. Alaric opened the door only for it to slam back shut. Alaric, Luisa and Mathias looked and saw it was Hope who made the door close with a spell. Are you kidding me? Hope questioned Alaric. 

You Are Loved ~ Ryan ClarkeWhere stories live. Discover now