We're Being Punked, Pedro

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Luisa lay awake while Rocket lay beside her sleeping and It was still dark outside. She turned her head to look at her clock and saw it was only 5:38 AM. For fuck sake, Luisa whispered to herself. No longer feeling sleepy Luisa got out of bed and got ready for the day.

By then Rocket had also woken up which Luisa took notice of. Luisa watched as Rocket walked over to her and she picked him up and carried him to the kitchen to get them both breakfast.

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This is nice dad, Luisa told Mathias. Mathias who was also riding on his own horse walked along side the horse Luisa was riding on. The horses as calm and happy and I don't want to think about the sadness and regret I felt for not being to save the dragon woman, Luisa added.

We'll talk about the dragon woman later, Mathias told Luisa. Alright, Luisa agreed. I'm glad I never got in trouble for not listening to Dr. Saltzman because then I'd have to do community service and be around so many people and their emotions, Luisa told Mathias.

I'm just gad you weren't here at the game when nearly everyone were fighting, Mathias told Luisa. I know, Right? Luisa questioned Mathias. All that rage would have had me feeling the same, Luisa told Mathias.

It would be nice if mom was still alive and here with us, only if it wasn't for that horrible woman, Luisa told Mathias. Let's just focus on positive emotions for today, ok? Mathias questioned Luisa. Ok, dad, Luisa agreed, once she felt his grief, anger and hatred.

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Luisa took notice of Lizzie walking up towards the school. The emotions of embarrassment, anger, sadness and jealously came off Lizzie and into Luisa. So much for a day of positive emotions, dad Luisa told Mathias.

I'm gonna go make sure Lizzie's okay and then I'll come back, Luisa told Mathias. Luisa got off the horse and jogged toward Lizzie and soon caught up with her at the door to the school.

Luisa saw Lizzie's clothes were covered in milkshake. Lizzie, who did this to you? Luisa questioned Lizzie. Lizzie didn't answer and continued walking so Luisa followed after Lizzie.

Lizzie and Luisa arrived to Alaric's office where he was talking with Emma.

A jerk, you are a total jerk, Lizzie told Alaric. Confusion followed through Alaric and Emma then into Luisa. What happened to you? Alaric questioned Lizzie. 

A neanderthal from Mystic Falls High assaulted me with a milkshake, this stupid girl Dana was being, you know what I can't even talk about it but now Hope and Josie are all sisters in solidarity, Lizzie told Alaric.

Lizzie turned to face Emma. But as I was walking home, I did the work and I dug deep and I realized this is all his fault, Lizzie told Emma. Lizzie, Emma and Luisa turned toward Alaric.

How is this my fault? Alaric questioned Lizzie? Because if you had just been at that game instead of running around with Hope, then everything would have gone differently and it is not fair that she gets to know secrets that your own daughters don't, Lizzie cried. 

She has a point, Emma told Alaric. Not helping, Alaric told Emma. I am not going back there, Lizzie told Alaric. Okay, that's fine, um...why don't you go help the primary school students out in the garden, Alaric told Lizzie.

At least now you know why I am so screwed up, Lizzie told Emma. Come on Luisa, I need you right now, Lizzie told Luisa. Luisa, Alaric and Emma watched Lizzie leave the office. Dr. Saltzman can you tell my dad I'm helping Lizzie out, Luisa questioned Alaric. Sure thing, Alaric answered Luisa. Thanks, Luisa thanked Alaric. Luisa then hurried to catch up with Lizzie.

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