We both have some stuff we wish we could forget..

Start from the beginning

He walked into winston's room and was greeted by the ape. They both sat down and started discussing. "So... the reason she was here was because Talon have been cutting deals with the clans all around the country. They give everything, money, guns, men... all in exchange for info and control over those locations." Fujin explained while sitting down on the floor cross-legged. Winston was in thought, but two questions rose in his mind. "She mentioned that they had offered the same things to your clan and you refused, why?" the scientist looked the younger man "This war or Crisis if you will. Is bigger than all of us, i want no part in it if i can help it. And let's be real with each other, we know that in the chance that Talon wins, do you really think they will keep all of them around? I don't think so." Winston tilted his head slightly "And what will you do if they win?" he asked "Fight till my last breath." Fujin said sharply and emotionless. Winston had got the idea that he was a tough one, but this was a little beyond his expectations. "And... why do you care if they help the other clans?" he asked Fujin who got up and walked to the door. "Cause whatever other clans do is to get to the top. We are at the top. And whoever helps my enemies become my enemy. Now goodnight and we shall speak again in the morning." With a small bow he walked out.

Few minutes later he was walking towards the end of the hallway that the rooms were lockated and unknown to him, he was being watched and followed. At the end of it he turned right and walked into a big room, at the end of it were located three banner-like papers hung on the wall. But he was standing infront of the one at the right. "Another night, another fight... and a war is brewing right at our doorstep. You know sometimes i feel like im lost or... or im questioning my own choices..." Fujin took a deep breath, the kind that feels your lungs to the point you feel like they are about to burst and slowly let it out short after. "But i quarantee you that while  i draw breath i will do everything so this clan remains on top, and your sacrifice doesnt go in vain... i promise you brother.." he put his hand on the banner and slightly let it fall down. 

"Is that true?" Said a gentle voice. In any other instance he would turn around to see who it was but her strong british accent gave it away. "Well... yeah i had a brother if that's what you mean." he said as he put his hands on his lower back to rest them while looking at the banners. "I mean all of it.." she took a few steps towards him. Step after step she was now standing next to him, he was standing totally a head taller than her, she used this opportunity to get a better view of the man. "What happened?" she asked genuinely. "Hm.. it all happened 16 years ago... things between the clans were messed up, daily guttings... raids. We got raided, we weren't ready. They killed my mom almost immidiately after they broke in here. My father like the man and leader he was, he took off running, was killed before he could get out of the room. We were outnumbered but each one of us counted as 10 of them. My brother was 18 at the time. He fought, and fought, and fought until the last man. He gave in to his wounds shortly after. I was too young to fight back then. But never again... never." Fujin looked at the ground recalling everything he said in horific details in his head. He tried forgetting that day, but he couldn't. At this point he had given up on the idea of forgetting, he made his peace with it, that day was a part of him. Those events sculpted him into the man he had become. And nothing could change that...

She was at a loss for words for the second time in the same night. This man certainly had his way with her, even though non of them knew it yet. She opened her mouth for about 3 times but no words came out. "I-.. i'm sorry about that love." she said and got a smile from him in return. "It's alright. What about you?" Fujin asked the Brit and she smiled back at him "What about me love?" she asked acting like she didn't know what he meant. "What's that tragic 'something' that has happened to you in your past that made you do what you do?" She shrugged her shoulders "Pfff, what makes ya think something has happened to me?" she slightly punched his arm. "Well, every single one of us who dress up grab weapons and go out there and risk our necks every single day has had something bad happen to him. Bad to say the least." He explained, she still didnt answer and they were both just keeping straight faces while looking in each others eyes. She finally broke and after a good laught she begun. "Alright alright. I was a test pilot for one of Overwatche's project. A plane that would be able to blink through time. When the first test happened the plane malfunctioned and when it blinked through time it affected my DNA. I spent days after that incident blinking throught time and existance, sometimes it was for seconds the minutes, sometimes it was hours and others... days." The tone of her voice had dropped way too much, something that didn't go unnoticed by Fujin. "BUT!" she said and smiled again "My good pal Winston made this lil' bad boy." she tapped the metal part over her chest. "My chronal Accelerator. It's basically an anchor keeping me in the present." She finished and took a big breath, so much talking had her jaw hurting. Also some of her hair had fallen infront of her eyes and she blew it away using her mouth, which Fujin found extremely cute. "By the looks of it we both have some stuff we wish we could forget.." Tracer couldn't agree more. "We should get to sleep, been a tough day for me and im sure it was the same if not worse for you." The man smiled at her as they both walked out of the room. "Ya bet it was luv." she said and he chuckled.


YOYOYOYOYYOYOYOYOYOYOY TOLD YOU  I WOULD UPDATE!!!! 2 DAYS, THATS BETTER THAN YALL THINK AINT IT HAAAAAA. Anyways, i wanna say i had a really good time writting this one. Some thought went on in the backstory so i wish you will like it. Goodnight tho cause i am so exhausted x.x


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