Chapter 25

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Meanwhile, Mo and Nanette had finally escaped the storm of bullets and were hiding in the hallways fearfully.
"Are you okay?" Mo asked, shivering.
"I think so," Nanette sighed.
They stayed there for a few more seconds, anxiously breathing, trying to process what had just happened to them. The guards weren't aiming at anyone. They were just shooting into

the crowd. It was completely up to chance who died and who survived. This was the horrifying part. They didn't care who they were hurting, they were just firing shots, hoping they killed some random prisoner. They were just numbers.
"We have to go find them," Mo announced, stretching her hand out to Nanette.
"Okay," Nanette said fearfully. She was obviously still recovering from the shock, but held on to Mo's hand tightly and walked alongside her. Something about this made her feel safe.
"Don't worry," Mo said sweetly, "I won't let them hurt you."
Nanette smiled, and for a moment it was as if there were no problems in

the world. She decided she wasn't going to give in to fear because the end was getting closer by the minute, and when this was all over, she would go on a date with Mo, and she'd be her girlfriend, and it wouldn't have to be a secret anymore. They were both sick and tired of hiding who they were from a psychopathic, obsessive, homophobic man. Walking down the corridor, holding hands, drowning out the screams and gunshots in the direst of circumstances, they knew they would make it out alive because they had to. They had to pick up the pace because they could hear guards who were making their way out of the hall and scanning the corridors for women. Nanette pointed to a supply closet where they could hide while guards passed them by. They waited

out there for a while, having short, uninteresting conversations for distraction, and letting other women into the supply closet so they could all hide together. Most of these people were incredibly kind and definitely deserved to live. All of them had seen a friend die and wanted to make sure it wasn't in vain. That they died for defending their rights. Once the coast was clear, Mo and Nanette decided it was time to leave. They gave the women a location to meet them at and went on the run to find Ellie Maisie, Ariana, Dominic, and Rosanna.
Around the time this was happening, Rosanna was crouched down on the floor of the hall getting trampled by women and guards. She was sobbing fearfully, shaking when she felt Ariana pick her up and push her

through the crowd, heading for a door. Finally, they escaped the turmoil through one of the many doors.
"What the hell!?" Ariana shouted.
"I'm sorry, I got scared," Rosanna responded timidly.
"We're all scared Rosanna, but we have to keep going. Why were you on the floor?"
"My instinctive response is to avoid confrontation and play dead. It's what I always do, and so far, it's worked pretty well"
"Well, I hate to break it to you, but we're gonna have to confront them, if we want to stop them from ruining the world. We can't play dead anymore, we can't keep our

heads on the floor. You have to get over your fears, okay?"
"That was a great motivational speech."
"Yeah, I was president, My job was to motivate people who were certain the country was headed to total destruction even though it never was. The job was pretty boring, nothing that terrible ever happened. It was just paperwork, and trade deals with foreign countries."
"I bet it became interesting soon after that"
"Yeah, and maybe I did want it to be interesting back then, but all I want right now is for everything to be good again and for my country and all the other countries to be peaceful. Can you help me, Rosanna?"

"Yeah," Rosanna sighed.
"Let's go find the other four and see if we can continue this as planned, ignoring the setback," Ariana said, and they started their search. They roamed the halls for a while trying to spot them. They met up with a lot of women, also running away, and luckily Rosanna could give them directions because she knew perfectly where everything was. It was quite a while until they found Mo and Nanette, and even longer before they found Dominic and Ellie Maisie, but finally they were all reunited, and we're very happy to continue with the plan.
"Okay, we need to find the exit!" Nanette exclaimed, "Mo needs to get everyone out of here, and the rest

of us need to find Keres before he finds us."
"You're too late," a serious angry voice called out from behind them. They turned around to find none other than Keres, surrounded by armed guards.

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