Chapter 10

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Keres continued with his speech about the precious charity work he was doing for the female race. The guards removed Najya's body and mopped up her blood. After they left, Keres gave them the instructions for the day.
"Here is how this is going to work," Keres explained, "If you were regular women, one of three things would happen to you. You would have to find a husband, stay indoors and obey your husband or be killed. But you are not a regular woman. You shall be trained under our strict rules. Think of it as finishing school. You will now be sent to a

special area where you will find your clothes. You will be given three outfits that are the only thing you are allowed to wear. After that, you will be taught lessons on how to change your ways. See you later."
Adrian approached the table where Ariana, Mo, Ellie Maisie, and Nanette were and signaled that they should stand up. All of them stood up and walked in a line led by Adrian. They exited through the back steel door and walked for fifteen seconds before reaching another steel door on the right. Adrian opened the door. It was a weird room. Sort of like a bathroom, but with thousands of stalls and a large birch wooden table. On the table were thousands of name tags with the names of all the women. In front of

each name tag, there was a pile consisting of three dresses.
"These are your dresses," Adrian said, "You must go into the stall and wear one of them, that will be your item of clothing for the day. Keres wanted you to have variety."
"I guess variety means two tones of beige," Mo scoffed.
"And navy blue Miss Cristofaro," Adrian corrected, "It's also not beige, it's ivory. Go ahead."
Ellie Maisie reluctantly stepped forward and scanned the name tags for her clothes. She eventually found it. She grabbed the pile of clothes and walked to one of the stalls. It was an empty, small space with a hook to hang the clothes from. There were three dresses

before her. She tried each one on. One was a long, navy blue dress. The skirt was flowy and reached her feet. The chest and waist seemed to be tight. The sleeves were wide and covered her entire arm. Both sleeves' fabrics extended from her fingertips back to her neck and were tied with a button just above the clavicle. She took it off and put the other one on. It was an ivory- colored dress with a tight chest and long, flat skirt that touched her ankles. There was a very tight black belt around the waist that hurt Ellie Maisie's every move. The sleeves were miraculously short but there was a brown trench coat that covered up her arms and had unusually large pockets. Finally, the last dress was a plain, silky, beige dress with long sleeves and a

plain skirt. It was all very tight, but remarkably more comfortable than the rest of them. She decided to wear the beige one. She also saw that in each stall there was a set of black boots. She assumed they were for her use and she put them on. They were tight and sturdy, just like everything else in that room, but what else could she wear. She was angered by these inane norms, angered by the sexist, tight, long clothes, but was a bit satisfied to have left those ragged artifacts of clothing, covered in dirt and blood.
She walked out of the stall feeling fresh, renewed and suffocated. She looked out to the vast sea of women and saw Mo, Nanette, and Ariana. Nanette and Mo were wearing an ivory-colored dress with a brown

trench coat. Mo looked angrier than ever, her wavy, curly hair and thick eyebrows displayed her furious eyes and the disgust she held for Keres and his men. Nanette didn't seem to mind the dress itself but was more focused on the tightness and how much it hurt. Ariana was wearing an elegant navy blue dress. All four of them wore the same sturdy black boots. The color palette of that room was navy, beige, and ivory. Once all the women were dressed, they were led outside the steel door and brought to a separate steel door five seconds away from the first one. This time there was a small room with no windows and inside was Keres and a young woman, about twenty years old, dressed in an Amish-like dress with her hair primped up into a nice bun and

No Escapeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें