Chapter 2

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Ellie Maisie Rosenthal sat on the backseat of a dirty Chicago taxi, scrolling through her phone and awaiting the second she could enter her hotel room and change out of her work clothes. Ellie Maisie had always been a very confident person. She loved debating people which is probably why she became a defense attorney. She was born in Woodbridge, Connecticut. She was raised by a single mother, her older brother Harry, and her grandmother, a German immigrant. They were raised Jewish and learned to speak Yiddish since it was the language their grandmother spoke and it was easier

than communicating with her through broken English. She was a model student, her grades were always perfect. She never had any trouble at school. She was always stunningly beautiful and very smart. Ellie Maisie knew she wanted to become a lawyer the second she saw her grandmother watching the old show Suits. Perhaps the older woman should've stopped watching the show when her 9-year-old granddaughter entered the room, but she didn't. She went on to graduate from Harvard Law School with a minor in Hebraic Studies. Her brother on the other hand joined the army and went to war. Unfortunately, he injured his leg and was told he had to walk with a cane for the rest of his life. Ellie became a defense attorney, one of the best in the country. People

from all parts of the United States were hiring her to defend them in lawsuits and criminal accusations. Society improved, but it wasn't perfect. The world switched from fossil fuels to 100% renewable energy. Global warming was no longer a problem. Levels of poverty had shrunk greatly. Countries like Cuba, China, Venezuela, and Saudi Arabia were ruled by democratic governments. Nearly every country in the world was or was on the way to becoming a First World nation. Most importantly in the United State, discrimination of all kinds had been eradicated. It sounds too good to be true, how can you eradicate prejudice? Generations of people rose from beyond hatred and bigotry. Racism didn't exist. Xenophobia didn't exist. Sexism didn't exist.

In this new society in the year 2258, women are viewed as equal to men. Sexism wasn't just banned, it was rare. Catcalling has never happened. No woman had ever been turned down for a job because she was a woman. It was unheard of, and legal repercussions came with it. The president that year was ending her first term and getting ready for her second. She was the 45th female president of the United States. Ellie Maisie's generation had never experienced sexism. Ellie Maisie's grandmother had never experienced sexism. Still, the world wasn't perfect. People killed, people died, people robbed, and people were still people. Though, with much of the progress made, it was easier to hold those people accountable for what they did. The world was a peaceful

place, unlike Chicago where Ellie Maisie missed the calm of Woodbridge. She left the car and ran towards the hotel where she was staying. She was calmed by the change of smell. The hotel's walls were white, the floors were marble, the lobby was elegant yet modern.
She ran to the elevator as fast as those tall blue heels let her and pressed the button for floor 6 rapidly. She stood in the small metal elevator by herself waiting for the doors to open. She ran on a tight schedule that she didn't mind having, but hated being behind it. As the elevator doors began to open she scurried down the brown carpeted halls and jammed her key into her door. She twisted it open and went inside, slamming the door behind her. The second the door closed, she

kicked off her blue heels and ran into the bathroom. Her room was a small, one-bedroom hotel room. The walls and roof were all white, as well as the bedsheets and the pillows. There was a wooden desk with a pen and a notepad where she set up all her work. In the corner, there was a chair of the ugliest shade of purple, but she didn't use it so it didn't affect her. She just imagined the reaction she would have if she found that chair in her bedroom. She began undressing hastily and changing into her clothes for the plane ride. She put on sweatpants and a gray shirt. She folded her 'lawyer clothes' neatly and put them in her suitcase. Once she saw that the room was neat enough and she had packed all her belongings, she headed out the door

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