"How's this for family bonding" (The Winter Soldier 2014)

Start from the beginning

Soon after dropping off her sister at her school, Nikki and her friend Betty were just dropped off at school.

As the girls both eventually rushed to class, they both endured the long hours of the morning and then mid-day, begging to get the chance to go home already.

However, as class was going on, the residences of the local highschool were soon bombarded by the sounds of squealing tires.

The students in the classes all rushed to the windows of the classroom when they saw several armed men in suits exit the SUV's that pulled up.

Nikki just raised a brow from her seat at the scene before hearing their principal from outside of the classroom.

"Sir--Ma'am, you can't--!" the principal's voice boomed as the door was suddenly swung open and their principal was shoved in.

The students of the classroom all watched the scene with keen eyes, some trying to discreetly pull out their phones to record the scene.

A man in a leather jacket and a woman in a bodysuit both entered. The man's brown eyes surveyed the classroom, "Is this Nikki Smith's class?"

The students said nothing, but all turned to Nikki now, whom sunk into her seat from all of the attention.

She waved nervously, "...Present..."

The man suddenly grinned as the woman with him went and  checked the door with a sense of urgency.

"Nikki-honey! Hi!" the man greeted, his cheery attitude on for everyone to see, "Nice to meet ya kiddo."

"Uh...hi?" Nikki was officially lost, "Um..."

"Oh, right," Jack quickly remembers, "I'm your Uncle Jack! Your dad asked me to come and pick you up from school early today "

"Uh...huh," Nikki became suspicious, "...That's funny, Dad never mentioned you before..."

"Yeah, well...I was busy not knowing you existed either kid so...guess we're even--" Jack began, but Maria quickly comes back and taps on his arm.

"Jack, we've got to move, now!" Maria pulls out her glock and the class gasps at the scene.

"Right," Jack also pulls out his dual Desert Eagles and Nikki's eyes widen.

Jack approaches her and Nikki stiffens at the sight as he grabs her arm and pulls her towards the door.

Nikki begins struggling against his hold, "No, wait! I wanna talk to him! I wanna hear it from Dad!"

Jack just groans and hands Nikki to Maria whom presses her against the wall for a few seconds as she sees several mercs coming their way.

She turns and fires off a few shots at the men that were approaching and pandemonium erupts as people began screaming at the commotion.

"Move!" Maria shouts at Nikki and the girl screams as she holds her head and makes a run for it with Agent Hill in tow covering her.

As Jack also goes to leave, he hesitates for a second before turning to the class, seeing them all cowering from the gunfire.

"And if anyone of you little dirtbags around here think you can have my niece..." he points his gun and aims it around at the male students, "Think again--Woah!"

Maria's hand is seen grabbing him by the jacket and pulling him out of the room, "Shadow, move you idiot!"

"I got it,alright! Geez...that is hot how you yell at me though," the students all hear from the hall as more gunshots are fired.

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