"Oh really?" I nodded smiling.

"And when did you plan this?" He said in a teasing tone.

"Con's and I just did like 2 minutes ago." I looked down. Did he not wanna do it?

He lifted my chin. "Hey you ok I was just kidding I'd love to go."

"Yeah I'm ok I just thought you didn't want to for a second." I laughed a fake laugh.

"Hey I'm sorry princess. I didn't mean to make you upset." He looked genuinely really sorry.

"It's ok."

"Are you sure?" I nodded and pecked his lips. I then hugged his torso and put my head on his chest.

<time skip>

I was all showered and in something comfy.

 I wore some black sweatpants with my top, and i had my hair in a messy bun

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I wore some black sweatpants with my top, and i had my hair in a messy bun. I was in my room finishing editing my video. Everyone else was in the lounge either playing monopoly or watch people fighting while playing monopoly.

I heard the door open and Dean came in flopping in my bed. "Hi." I said not looking up from my computer.

"We're about to watch a movie." I looked at Dean.

"What movie?" He smiled

"16 candles, I was hoping if you're not to busy you'd come down and watch it with the team."

"Yeah sure let me just save this." I saved my progress so far and shut my laptop. Dean got up and picked me up bridal style and ran out of the room down to the lounge area.

"I got her!" Dean yelled to the team. They cheered and I laughed. Dean put me down and pulled my hand over to the couch. He sat down and pulled me down on his lap. I got comfortable and Julie put the disc into the disc thing a pressed play.

<time skip>

The movie was really good. Dean ended up falling asleep with his arms wrapped around my torso. I needed to get up to finish editing my video. I needed to post it by tonight.

I tried to move Deans arms but he wouldn't budge. So I whispered "Dean you gotta move your arms I gotta get up, I need to finish editing my video." He moved a bit and moved his arms letting me get up.

I went to my dorm and finished editing my video. The girls all came into the dorm and started getting ready for bed. Connie didn't come in though. I guess she's spending the night with Guy. 

When I was done editing I got ready for bed. I went to go check if Dean was still in the lounge. No surprise he was still there. I walked over to him. Averman, Luis, Jesse, Kenny, Goldberg, Guy, and Connie were still in there. "Dean let's get you to your room." I whispered to him rubbing his arm.

I opened his eyes and yawned looking at me. "Oh hey princess." He whispered giving me a tired cheesy smile.

"Come on let's go to your room." He got up and we walked to his dorm. When we walked in Fulton was there he was dead asleep.

I gave Dean some new shorts and sat on his bed. I went on my phone while he changed. I felt a hand on my leg and looked up. "You staying here for the night." He whispered rubbing my knee.

"Yeah I was thinking about it." He pulled down the covers.

"Well scoot over then." I chuckled and scoot over so he could climb in. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight.

"Goodnight." I whispered.

"Night, princess." He kissed the top of my head and I fell asleep quickly after that.

Goon \\ Dean Portman (Discontinued Kinda)Where stories live. Discover now