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JJ opened the front door of the Johnson house after getting home from work

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JJ opened the front door of the Johnson house after getting home from work. Work, the shitty job that he managed to get just to keep him and Avery stable to some record. There was no other reason he wanted the job other than to keep her with him.

"Bubba!" he grinned when Avery hopped over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. She laid her head on his chest and he pressed his lips to her head.

"Hey beautiful, how you feeling?" he asked, picking her up and carrying her to the kitchen. He set her on top of the counter and set his hands on her hips.

"I'm good." she plastered a smile on her face that he saw straight through but opted not to comment on.

"I love you so much." he pecked her on the lips making her lips turn upward more.

"I love you so much more." she brushed her nose against his.

You'd think the grief of losing Bailey would put a strain on their relationship but if anything they've become stronger than ever. Avery struggled. She still struggles because it's the hardest thing she's ever had to go through, losing a child. That's something nobody ever wants to have to deal with.

Although their relationship is strong, there's a few differences that both Kie and Pope had noticed. One thing being Avery's emotions towards JJ. She's become very possessive. And not the overprotective kind of possessive but the 'look in my mans direction, I'll drag your ass down the hallway' type of possessive.

When it came to him, she didn't mess around anymore. He's her boyfriend and she's not gonna let anybody near him. No females, and no males who are just going be assholes. When girls tried to get close to him at parties he didn't even have time to turn them down before Avery would be sitting on his lap and he would be kissing her neck.

That's how they rolled now. Nobody touches him, nobody messes with her.

There were some nights where Avery's tough exterior would break and JJ would find her curled up on Bailey's bed with her lion to her chest sobbing. As much as he wanted to comfort her the best thing he could do was leave her until she eventually fell asleep. Sometimes he's crawl into the bed with her or he'd carry her back to their room. Either way, she appreciated the comfort of waking up next to him.

Avery wasn't herself anymore and everybody could see that. Her heart was broken in a way that it could never be fixed. There was things going on in her life that not even JJ knew and she was terrified that he'd leave her if he did find out.

"Pope and Kie wanna go to the Chateau later." he whispered to her softly seeing a frown come to her face. "They just want to make a memorial baby."

"I can't make it." she looked away from him.

"Please just come with us." he begged. "You have to get out of the house before school starts."

"I don't have to do anything." she snapped before feeling guilty. "I'm sorry JJ I didn't mean to--"

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