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"Becky?" Avery called as she got to the house. "Aunt Becky?"

"Auntie?" Bailey yelled.

Avery furrowed her brows because Becky's shift was supposed to end already. She walked into the kitchen where she saw a note on the counter.

To Avery and Bailey:
I know about the Royal Merchant. I know you and your friends have been on the hunt for it and hopefully you guys end up with the gold. Listen, Peterkin and I know about what Ward has done. He's a dangerous man and we are going to try and stop him. My beautiful girls, I love you both so much and you need to know that in case anything happens.
From: Auntie Becky

"What is it sissy?" Bailey asked.

"We need to go." Avery mumbled before running outside where the Pogues were waiting in the Twinkie.

"Where's Becky?" Pope asked.

"She's going to the air strip." Avery said frantically. "Her and Peterkin know about Ward and they're going to stop them, John B we have to get there."

"Okay, okay, I'm going."

John B stepped on the gas and they were off. When they got to the air strip, they saw a large plane and several trucks loading boxes onto it. Avery ran up to the fence and looked over all of the people, thankfully she didn't see her aunt.

"What do you see?" Kie asked John B who had binoculars.

"It's Sarah." he answered, lowering them. He turned and ran to the van, hopping in the drivers seat.

"You stay with JJ." Avery kissed Bailey's head before getting in the passengers side.

The Pogues yelled for them as John B crashed through the fence to get on the air strip. He started chasing after the plane and managed to surpass it. They saw Sarah in the passenger side of the plane.

John B drove ahead and turned the van so it was blocking the path that the plane was taking. Avery squeezed her eyes shut as the plane grew closer until it came to a stop mere feet away from them.

They both jumped out and ran to meet up with Sarah. When Ward got out they both pulled her into them.

The sound of sirens came to their ears making Avery's heart drop. Becky can't be here, not now.

Peterkin and Becky got out of the police car and approached ward.

"Put your hands on your head." Becky said.

"You better listen to her kid." Ward looked back at John B smugly.

"She's talking to you." Avery said. Ward quickly turned and sure enough both officers had their guns raised towards him.

"Turn around!" Peterkin ordered. The man did as told and turned to face to face the three teens with his hands on his head. "Drop to your knees."

"I don't like being used." Peterkin put the cuffs on him. "I waited a long time for this." before she could finish putting the cuffs on him, he pushed her back into Becky who raised her gun.

Avery saw movement out of the corner of her eye and her eyes widened.


But she was too late, the gunshot range out and a gasp escaped her lips. Peterkin dropped to the floor immediately which, as terrible as it may sound, made Avery feel slightly relieved but that was until she looked at her aunt.

Becky looked down at her stomach and when she lifted her hand up it was covered in blood.

"No, no, no, no..." Avery rushed to her aunts side, catching her as she fell to the ground. "No, please no." she choked out with tears falling down her cheeks. "What did you do!?" she screamed at Rafe who stepped out from behind the plane.

"I saved my dad." the boy laughed as if he deserved praise.

"Becky." Avery choked on a sob and cradled her aunts head on her lap.

"A-Avery--" Becky managed to get out, "It's okay."

"No, no, it's not okay." Avery shook her head. "I need you please don't leave me."

"You'll be okay." Becky gave her a tight smile, slowly slipping away. "Y-You have JJ."

"No, I need you please." Avery sobbed. "I can't-- I can't raise Bailey alone. We need you."

"You can do it baby." Becky choked out with tears in her eyes. "Avery, you're the closest thing I've had to a daughter. I wouldn't change anything for the world because I love you and Bailey like you're both my own. You can raise Bailey-- I know you can. You and JJ are gonna do amazing."

"No." was all Avery could manage to say. "Please Becky, I love you, don't leave me."

John B rushed to her side and quickly put pressure on the wound, even Ward was trying to save the womans life. Peterkins lifeless body laid on the floor and there was nothing they could do about it. Becky was still breathing and they had to at least try to save her.

"I love you so much Avery." Becky choked out weakly bringing her hand up to her nieces face. "You're my bestfriend in the whole world baby, please know that."

"Please no." Avery sobbed.

"Becky, you're gonna be okay." John B tried to say through his own tears.

"I-I can't..." Becky's eyelids fluttered.

"Please stay awake." Avery whispered painfully. "Please stay with me, I need you Becky. You're the closest thing I have to a mom you're the only family Bails and I have left."

"I-I lo-ove you." Becky's hand fell to her side and Avery let out a loud cry.

"No! Wake up!" she shook her aunts shoulders. "Please Aunt Becky wake up! I need you!"

"Avery--" John B grabbed her shoulder but she pushed him away.

"WAKE UP!" she sobbed loudly and her head dropped to her aunts. "Call 911! Someone call 911!"

"We have to go." John B told her. "Avery, we have to go."

"I'm not leaving her." she cried.

"Avery, Bailey's gonna need you right now." he made her look up at him. "We're gonna get an ambulance here okay? Sarah already called one. She's gonna get help but if we stay here, we're gonna be in deep shit."

"JB, I-I can't get up." Avery told him. She felt paralyzed, like gravity was weighing her down and a heavy weight was being dropped on her chest. The one person she has may die right now and she won't be there to hold her in her final moments.

"Come here AJ." he went to pull her up but she looked down at her aunt one last time.

"I love you so much." she whispered, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead. "I'm so sorry."

John B pulled her up and they got to the Twinkie. He put her in the passenger seat before running around and starting the van. As he drove off Avery was frozen in place, the blood on her hands caught her attention and she felt herself become numb.

"Avery? Avery, what's wrong?" John B asked.

"I-I can't breathe..." she didn't even finish her sentence before collapsing against the chair.


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double homicide

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