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"You have no idea what it's like to have the person closest to you vanish and then have no idea what happened."

Those words hit Avery hard but she opted to remain silent, knowing that John B was just trying to make sense of his fathers disappearance. She moved her attention to Bailey who was sitting beside JJ in the van while they drove.

He was playing with her stuffed lion with her while she smiled and giggled. He shook it around before pretending it was tickling her making her throw her head back laughing.

Nobody spoke about what happened, mainly because they didn't want to bring it up around Bailey. Every time Avery looked at her little sister she felt immense guilt for what could've happened to her.

They pulled up outside the light house, John B and Kie went to look around while JJ and Pope stayed behind with Avery and Bailey.

"Come on Bailey, let's play catch." JJ told the little girl who was sitting on the edge of the van door with her legs swinging back and forth.

"I suck at catch." Bailey pouted. JJ laughed and tossed her the hacky sack. It almost hit her in the head but Avery's hand shot out to catch it, shocking him with her quick reflexes.

"Don't let her get hurt JJ." she said pointedly and tossed it back to him. Bailey hopped out of the van and stood a few feet in front of JJ. He gently tossed it to her and she caught it.

"I did it!" she held it up making JJ and Pope laugh. Avery smiled at her sister before climbing up to the top of the van.

A few minutes passed as she looked out at the water while listening to Bailey laugh with JJ when she heard him climbing up the van too. He sat down next to her and leaned back on his hands.

"Not mad at me anymore?" she asked without looking at him.

"Mad at you?" he knit his brows together.

"Yeah, for apparently sleeping with out bestfriend." she scoffed. JJ bit the inside of his cheek.

"I'm sorry Avs, I just-- from what I saw it looked like you leaned in and kissed him." he said. "But now I realize that's probably not what happened."

"He had dirt on his face, I was brushing it off. We didn't kiss and I would never even think of kissing him because he's practically my brother." she said.

"I know." he looked down.

"Why did it bother you so much?" she looked at him and he looked confused. "Why would it bother you so much if we kissed?"

"It doesn't." he shook his head.

"It obviously does bother you because if it didn't then you wouldn't have made a big deal about this and blown up on us in the car earlier." she said.

"I just don't like the idea of you kissing him." he shrugged and fiddled with his shoe laces. Avery looked at him intently and she could tell that wasn't the truth.

"Come on JJ." she tilted her head. "You've never acted like that before."

"Because I guess I just don't want you kissing other guys." he sat up straight.

"Why's that?" she asked. JJ looked at her in surprise at the flirty tone in her voice. Their faces were close together and he glanced down at her lips. "JJ?"

"Hm." he hummed. She leaned in slightly and he did too but just as their lips brushed, sirens were heard causing them to jump apart.

"Shit." she turned and jumped down while JJ blinked. "JJ!" she called snapping him out of his daze. She got Bailey in the van before getting in the drivers seat while him and Pope got in.

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