Tour Tantrums

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Harry's P.O.V.  Charlie, 4

"Good morning Daddy," small lips kiss my cheek. I crack one eye open and am met with a giant toothy grin in my face, giggling to it's heart's content.

"Daddy, get up!" Charlie laughs and squeezes my cheeks together like I do to her sometimes.

"M'sleepy," I close both eyes.

"No, Daddy!" she attempts to pull the covers down, "Mummy said I get to wake you up!"

"Okay, Bean. Only because I love you very much," I open my eyes and sit up a bit to kiss her nose.

"Do you love Mummy as much as you love me?" Charlie asks, climbing onto my lap and covering herself in the white duvet.

"Yes, I love Mummy very very much too," I tell her and brush my fingers through her fine messy curls.

"I think you love me more," she turns around to face me, a smug look on her adorable face.

"I think you're a little stinker," I begin tickling her tummy, making her squirm and laugh.

"Where is Mummy?" I ask once I've reach that point where if I tickle her any more she'll pee her pants.

"Getting breakfast," Charlie haphazardly brushes her hair away from her face.

"Baby, don't do that to your hair," I stop her from making a bigger mess, "Use a comb, like Mummy does."

I stretch my arm across the other side of the bed to reach Em's nightstand where she left her comb. Picking it up, I turn towards Charlie again but when I look she's hidden under the covers.

"What are you doing silly?" I ask her.

"Hiding," she suppresses a giggle, "I don't want you to comb my hair."

"Bean, you look like you were just on a roller coaster, please let me comb your hair," I sigh.

"Noooo," Charlie whines.

"I promise I won't hurt you. I promise," I lift the covers to see my little girl when I talk to her.

"Hmph," she pouts with her arms crossed. I can tell she doesn't want to budge, so I throw the blanket off of her and pull her onto my lap.

"No, no, no!" She twists and turns, her hair whipping me in the face during the process.

"Charlie, calm down. You get your hair combed every morning."

"I don't want it combed today!" she pounds her fists.

"You want to be messy? We're seeing a lot of people today, remember? I have another show."

"Fine. Be gentle!" She furrows her brows and points at me like she's scolding me. So sassy, for no reason.

"Thank you," I turn her back around and begin combing, gently, through her tangled curls.

"OUCH!" She pulls away from me, holding her head in her hands.

"I'm sorry, did I pull too hard?" I worry.

"YOU HURT ME! YOU, YOU PROMISED IT WOULDN'T HURT!" she takes a deep breath before screaming bloody murder.

Big crocodile tears stream from her face as I try to comfort her.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no..." she violently shakes her head.

"Shhh, I'm sorry Bean. I'm really sorry. Do you want Mummy to do it instead?"

"No. No comb," she cries.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, can I kiss it better?" I ask, not wanting to fight her on combing her hair anymore.

"Mhm," she nods, her breathing slowing a bit now too.

"Mmmuah," I press a long kiss to the top of her head, "better?"

"A little," she rubs her eyes with her knuckles.


Emma's P.O.V.

"Charlie, where are your clothes? We're leaving in a few minutes to see Daddy," I find Charlie sitting naked on the hotel floor.

"I took them off," she looks up to me.

"But why? We're leaving," I start collecting the items she discarded all over the room.

"I want to swim! Like Dory!" her face lights up at the mention of her recent obsession.

"We can swim tomorrow, but right now we need to leave so we can have dinner with Daddy and then watch the concert." She quickly catches on that she won't be swimming tonight, which starts the waterworks.

"B-b-but I want to swim!" her lip quivers and her eyes pool up.

"Tomorrow Daddy has a day off so we can all swim together. We don't have time today, I'm sorry," I sit down next to her once I've gathered her clothes, socks, and underwear.

"I don't WANT TO GO!!!!" Charlie screams once she sees her clothes.

"Charlie, be a good girl and listen."

"NO! I WANT TO SWIM!" she cries harder, flopping her head to the ground dramatically.

Someone needs to take a nap in the car.

"We are not swimming today and if you keep throwing a fit you won't swim tomorrow either," I tell her.

"I want to swim tomorrow," she lifts her head to look at me, red puffy eyes and a snotty nose and everything.

"I know you do, so will you please get dressed so we can have fun with Daddy and then tomorrow we will all swim in the hotel's pool together as a family?" I talk her down, stroking her hair softly.

"I'm hungry," she lets out a long breath, falling into my lap.

"Let's get dressed and then we'll go out to eat with Daddy."



I love my husband, and I want to support him, but touring with a kid is hard.

Charlie's little outbursts are becoming more frequent, and I have a feeling it's adding more stress to Harry's shoulders.

At dinner Charlie refused to sit anywhere other than Harry's lap, so he didn't get to eat much, and then when we had to leave she cried that she couldn't go with him to the arena.

"Charlie-bean I'll see you in less than an hour. You'll have fun with Mummy, alright? I love you."

"I don't want Mummy I want you," has been the famous phrase this week.

The rest of that night was okay, but despite Charlie waiting and waiting to see her dad after the show, she was still cranky getting to the hotel. Our sleeping situation hasn't been ideal either. At first we ordered one of those roll away cots for the hotel rooms, but Charlie couldn't sleep on them so she ended up in bed with Harry and I. Now this has become a regular occurrence, her tucked between the two of us and usually snuggled into Harry's arm. I just hope she doesn't get too used to it, because when we get home I am sleeping in my own bed.

"Charlie, catch!" Mitch finds Charlie's frog on the couch of the dressing room.

"Jenny!" She cheers, lifting her arms above her head to catch the frog. Charlie jumps to reach Jenny but misses and the stuffed animal lands directly in the trash can behind her.

"No!!!" Charlie sees what's happened to her best friend.

"I'm sorry, Charlie," Mitch scurries over to the trash can to get Jenny.

"Mummy! Uncle Mitch threw Jenny in the garbage!"

Oh, boy. This is going to be another long night.

Charlie Robin Styles [Addition to We're Having Our Baby]Where stories live. Discover now