First Concert Pt. 3

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Harry's P.O.V. Charlie 14, Sophia 5, Avery 2

I have never been more excited to attend a concert before, because tonight is Charlie's first jazz band performance.

Charlie was ecstatic—we all were—when she found out she got into the group as one of two pianists. Only one other freshman got in with her, which is kind of a big deal. Now, two months later we're getting ready to see her perform.

Originally, I was supposed to be in France filming a music video because we wanted to get it done before the holidays, but when I found out that I would have to miss Charlie's concert, I immediately canceled and told everyone that we had to reschedule. In no world would I ever miss her concert.

Charlie stayed after school to prepare for the concert today, so all we need to do is arrive on time. Since jazz band is technically a club and not a class, their concerts are ticketed opposed to being free, but that also means we can pay extra to choose our seats. Of course, I chose to pay extra and reserve the best seats in the house to see our pianist.

"Sophia, for the last time, please put your socks and shoes on," Em tells our five-year-old who's pouting on the stairs.

"Harry, help her please," Em asks me so she can focus on getting Avery ready and in the car.

"We have to get going to see Charlie, so please put these on," I hold up Sophia's socks that have been lying next to her untouched.

"I don't want to go!" she yells.

"You have to, we're all going. Even Grandma, Uncle Jared, Mason, Jamie, and Aunt Annie and Auntie Gemma. Don't you want to see your sister play piano? This is really important to her."

"It's going to be so boring!" she continues.

"You don't know that, but either way you have to come with us. You can't stay home alone, and Charlie needs you there."

"But Daddyyy!"

"No, Sophia. Be a big girl and put these on."

I hate using my stern voice, but it's gets Soph to put her socks and shoes on. Except, it also makes her cry. So, now I have to carry her to the car unless I want to be late and listen to more screaming and crying.

I tell Em that we should leave Sophia alone until we get to the high school, that way she has some time to calm down. At least Avery can occupy himself, he just plays with his toys and talks to himself the entire ride.

I drop Em and Avery off at the front doors and Soph stays in the car with me to find a parking spot. It's a lot more crowded than I imaged, but I guess most people are here early to find good seats.

"Okay, Soph. It's not too far of a walk, but do you want me to carry you?" I ask as I turn the car off. She nods silently, her eyes still a little puffy from her fit.

"I like this dress," I compliment her as I pick her up from the booster seat, but she doesn't respond. Oh well, I'd rather her stay silent than cause a scene inside the auditorium.

Soph and I are the last to arrive in our party, but thankfully Em saved me the seat I wanted. Soph asks me if she can sit with her grandma, so I immediately ask people to scoot over so my little stubborn princess can sit. I end up between Mason and Em who holds Avery.

When the lights go dim, everyone's conversations die down until there's silence. Out of nowhere, a drum beat starts and the rest of the band follows as the curtain is slowly drawn. Everyone cheers for about thirty seconds and then goes back to quietly listening as the band plays.

I really did pick the best seats, because there is a direct line of sight between us and Charlie--well for me there is at least. She plays for the first three songs, and then the other pianist takes a turn, and for the last two they sit on the bench together, one taking the bass keys and the other playing treble.

I know she was nervous for tonight, but I am so proud of her for pushing through and playing the hell out of that piano. She's incredibly talented so I don't know why she was nervous, and in my totally-unbiased-opinion, she's much better than the other pianist who's a senior.

"Woohoo! Go Charlie!" Soph cheers and punches the air with her fists when the two pianists stand to take their bows. I knew she'd like it.

After the curtain closes, everyone rushes to the exits to congratulate their performers, except us. To avoid the crowd and keep the kids safe and comfortable, we stay back and gush over Charlie's first performance in private.

"Hi guys," Charlie walks into the empty auditorium, still in her concert black and burgundy blazer.

"Charlie!!!" Annie is the first to run up to her and engulf her in a tight hug. Annie played trombone in her high school and college jazz bands, so she's been looking forward to this concert almost as much as I have.

Everyone takes turns hugging and congratulating Charlie and finally it's my turn.

"These are for you," I hand her a bundle of sunflowers, which she takes, but holds to her side as she comes up to hug me.

"I am so proud of you, Charlie Robin Styles. You have no idea," I say into her ear, holding her tight.

"Thank you, Dad," She whispers back, "I'm so glad you're here."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, Charlie-bean," I pull away to see her eyes so she gets how serious I am.

"You can count on me being at every one of your concerts. I guess you could call me your first "stan." I crack a joke and I can tell she thinks it's funny no matter how much she'll deny it.

"Shut up," she laughs.

"Hey, I mean it though. You have no idea how talented you are and no idea how much I love you," I kiss her cheek and says she loves me back.


"I take it Soph was the problem child tonight?" Charlie smirks.

"Watch it," I warn her, "you were her age at one point too."

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